I know Valentine’s day was this past weekend but I wanted to share this fun Berry Basket Gift Idea I put together for my littles’ teachers. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, we truly love our teachers! They work so hard and do so much for our children. I am amazed that in such a short time my kids learn to read, write, and gain some pretty impressive math skillz. I am in awe. Things I am sure they would never learn if I were to homeschool them. I think there would be riots, a lot of eye rolling and sighing (from all of us), and possible even a few Lord of the Flies scenarios playing out if I kept them home and tried teaching them myself! I found these sweet little red berry baskets at Michaels over the holidays and just had to grab them. How absolutely adorable are they?! Berry baskets are my weakness, they have so many uses and work so nicely for pretty-ing up a gift. I hot glued a little burlap ribbon around the top and then started filling them with goodies of the red and pink variety.
EOS lip balm…check!
Ghiradelli strawberry filled chocolate squares…check!
Cinnamon flavored gum…check!
Starbucks gift cards with cute heart designs…check!Stuff each basket full and then send it on it’s way to one very deserving recipient…check!
Thanks for stopping by today!