This is my big kids last week of school…say whaaat?! Can I get a high five to no more homework, book bags, and reading charts! And then can I get another high five to long hot days spent riding bikes, playing in the pool, and eating ice cream! I love when my kids are in school but I also sooooo love when they are out and our days are less scheduled and more spontaneous and fun! To all the teachers out there…good job! You had a year well done, teaching small people big things, I will forever be amazed at what they can learn from you in 9 months! So I put together this Burt’s Bees Mini Spa gift for our teachers hoping they will find an hour here or there this summer where they can treat themselves to something relaxing, they deserve it!
I have loved Burt’s Bees products ever since I found their Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream. Have you ever smelled this stuff? It’s amazing. Like, so good you want to eat it. Then I found their Hand Salve. Fabulous. Just fabulous. The list goes on. If you have ever had the pleasure of trying their products you know what I mean.
I found a ‘Tips and Toes’ kit which includes a little bit of everything you may want for your fingertips and toes and thought it would be fun to put together a little mini spa gift for our teachers.
Of course it would be just as cute to give this gift in the original packaging but you know I can’t leave well enough alone and I had to do it up a bit, LOL! I repackaged all the little items in a berry basket and added some yellow paper shreds to keep with the yellow bee theme.
Then I created this tag in two sizes and hot glued one onto some yellow ribbon that I wrapped around the top of the basket and placed the smaller one on the front.
You can print a set of these tags off using a sheet of heavy card stock and then cutting around each circle. Find the free printable here:
You Will Always BEE My Favorite Teacher-Small
You Will Always BEE My Favorite Teacher-Large
Now I just need to add a gift card…I’m thinking Starbucks? Or maybe Target? Some place fun where their mini spa day of relaxing will be complete!
Enjoy! And if you make a few, don’t forget to tag @smashedpeasandcarrots on Instagram so I can see all your cute versions too!!!
Hi Maggie!! These are adorable! I thought I’d let you know you are missing an “L” in “Will” !
Hi Melanie!
Where are you noticing that? I don’t see the missing “l”!!!
Hi Maggie-
Was there also a link for the larger tag? LOVE this idea 🙂
Yes, the link is right underneath the Small Tag!
Thanks for sharing this Maggie!! It really helped me pull together a super cute gift at the last minute!!
I am so happy to hear that, Allison!!!