Oh heck, it’s just been one of those days, weeks actually. I have been so busy. Busy.Busy.Busy. Running to the office for work, trucking the kidlets around to classes and story times, making custom orders that need to be mailed ASAP, and getting ready for our weekend at the waterpark. AND, this week just happens to be the week where both my kids get runny, snotty noses and Noah has a cough. Seriously??? This only would happen the week before we have a two day stay-cation planned for this weekend and we hardly ever take a vacation let alone a stay-cation!!! I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised. Last year as we were gearing up for the 13-hour drive to visit my parents for Easter, Noah decided to not want to go to bed the whole week before. When we arrived at my parents house, which we drove through the night hoping the kids would sleep the whole way and only ONE did (Penelope) trust me we’ll never do that again, Noah ended up getting a huge fever and being sick the 3 days we happened to be there…aargh! So, why am I so surprised now, I really shouldn’t be.
At least there has been an upside to this week…if you can believe it. I was shopping at World Market and found some oh-so-good candy. They have the best assortment of foods from around the world. My husband and I traveled a lot before we settled down and had kids and in our travels we came to love so many foods (and junk foods) from other countries that you just don’t find here. That is unless you have a World Market in your neighborhood.
I found some Ritter Sport Chocolate Bars but not just any chocolate bars. Little, teeny, baby, mini Ritter bars in an assortment of crazy flavors. Cornflake, Marzipan, Yogurt and Biscuit to name a few. How fun and so not your blah American Hershey’s Bar. I also scored some Mint Aero Bars for my hubby which he absolutely LOVES and became obsessed with when he lived in London back in the day. Usually we have to wait for a shipment from some good friends up in Canada to enjoy one of these along with those crazy Ketchup potato chips.
Here have been my indulgences this week. I really needed them, really I did…I mean I do.
My cute little assortment of crazy chocolate flavors.
A rainbow of fun!
The first one I opened was the Cornflake infused chocolate bar…HOW have we not thought of this here in the U.S, I ask? What a good combination!!
Here’s one of my hubby’s Mint Aero bars…sooooo good!
And, if you were wondering why it’s called an Aero bar, it’s because of all those little pockets of air bubbles in the center of the bar. It’s a taste like no other.
Hope your week hasn’t been filled with snot too!
Aero bars are pure bliss! Mix that with MINT and OMG 😉
Mmmm mint aero’s are the bomb. I love me some ketchup chips too. I guess I don’t cross the border enough to realise that these things aren’t available state side!
I haven’t ever heard of any of those candies, I will have to look into them they look yummy. My kids have also been snotty this week, not fun!
I discovered the Aero bars when I was on vacation in England. They are SO yummy. Good to know I can find them at World Market!
Hope everybody gets well soon!
Sorry to hear you’re having a snotty week! Your last sentence nearly made me spit my water out! Funny!
World Market sells Aero bars? I have to go buy some for my niece and nephew. They went crazy for them when we were in Canada this summer. And that’s the back woods of Canada, at the “lonely-nothing for 30 miles-we’re all you get” general store.