Yuppers, that’s right, I am 33 weeks preggo today. 7 weeks to go…really? It seems so far away yet so very close. Far away since 7 weeks really equals about 2 months, seriously…ok, now that seems faaaaar away. And so very close because I think we need a bit more time than that to get some projects done around our house. Yeah, it’s pretty crazy around here, we’ve got fans going up in all the bedrooms, lighting projects galore, and a few minor electrical changes, some dry wall work and lots of mudding and sanding…sounds like lots of fun, right?
The nursery you ask, what are we going to do there? Oh, silly you, we aren’t even bothering with a doing a nursery for this one. Poor third child, I can see where you birth order really puts you in a funk. But, the reality is that the new babe stays with momma and daddy in our room so there really is no rush to get a room completed PLUS the fact that the gender is unknown makes for a really bland color palette. Are you with me on this? Tell me you understand.
So, here are a few shots of me and the belly, I always mean to post these but well, third child, momma drops the ball a lot these days in that department.
Side view…I believe this is called a ‘high’ belly!?! I am really feelin’ the heartburn and indigestion with this one Every.Single.Night. Like I did with Penelope, even though both her and Noah had full heads of hair when they were born. It totally sucks. Please tell me one of you has some helpful advice in this area, please!?! Tums do not work and cheese and dairy seem to make it worse which is such a shame ‘cuz I love me some dairy products.

Ok, that’s all…just a little pregnancy update. Bean III is still momma’s number one unsolved mystery, just thought you’d like to know 🙂

first how cute are you!? adorable.
We are about a month apart it looks- I am 28 weeks with #2.
You are SO not wide!! all out in front from these shots.
Have you tried papaya enzymes for the heart burn? check your health food section/vitamin section at the grocery. They are just little tablets you can chew up or swallow if you can’t take the taste. I was having some bad h.b. about a month ago and those helped-they also helped with my other digestion issues (ahem).. eating littler amounts and more slowly also helps.
hang in there!
33 weeks, yea! I am 25 weeks, and am starting to get excited and count the weeks! Can’t wait to meet my new little one! Of course, like you said my list of crafting projects and our list of house projects is long still, so it’s probably good we still have some time.
Hmmm looks like a boy to me! That’s exactly what I looked like when I was preggo with my son. It looked like I stuffed a basketball in my pants and hiked them up! 🙂 I think it’s awesome that you are not finding out the gender, I would totally do that if we had one moore since we have a boy and girl right now. Anyway… the only thing that worked for me was ginger… in any form (tea, candy that you get in asian stores, etc).
You look great!
I totally understand about the nursery. 🙂
The only thing that worked for my heartburn was prilosec. Even drinking water was painful! “Sleeping” upright didn’t help me but it’s worth a shot. The best thing was heartburn went away as soon as my baby arrived. Good luck!
looking so cute! try papaya enzymes (chewable) before eating… ginger after eating – hugs!
Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
party inspiration
so cute! don’t hate me but I have never had heartburn…so I have no good info…but at least you look great…that will make ya feel good at least in between the heartburn!
Aw, you are so sweet! You look so good!! I had that fat nose/double chin thing going on, haha… Or so I thought. (Hormones didn’t help my self image either!)
Have you tried making a ‘tea’ out of ginger slices? That always helps me when I have tummy issues of any kind!
Awww, you ladies are the best-est! I am totally going to look for papaya enzymes tomorrow…thank you for the help…I hope it works!!!!
I suffered terrible heartburn with both of my pregnancies and eating a small cup of steaming hot oatmeal always helped! Kinda random, I know, but it worked! 🙂 Best wishes to you mumma!
P.S. Both babies were girls – Just sayin’ 😉
You are SO cute! Sorry about your heartburn! Just remember it is all worth it (make it your new mantra, lol). And I totally understand about the 3rd kid syndrome…just wait till he/she gets here, haha. Excited to find out what you are having, but probably not as excited as you 🙂 Hang in there, you are almost there!
Cute cute cute!! I think you look like I did and I have a baby girl!! I also think you look like a friend who’s also expecting a girl. Can’t wait to find out!!
Cute belly! Heartburn, however, is not so cute. I am spoiled and b/c my husband is in Chiropractic school I went to the Chiropractor every Friday (at only $5 a pop, you’d be crazy not to go!). She was amazing and when the heartburn started she pulled down the lining of my diaphragm (babies can push stuff where it shouldn’t be). She taught me how to do it too and the results were amazing. Good luck!
Soooo cute! I just found out I’m pregant with our 2nd one!! only 6 weeks and I’m with you with the nursery room. Our first one it’s still in our room!! Anyhow, what worked for me ONLY was Prevacid. I tried every single thing out there (pregnancy save off course) and nothing worked until my dr prescribed me Prevacid. It is for chronic gastritis, but hey it worked. I could even eat (once in a blue moon) chinese food! Like you, even water gave me a heartburn and yes my little one had a full and back full of hair!!
I hope this helps! and good luck with the rest of the pregnancy. Isn’t the most beautiful experience ever? 🙂
Hi from Ireland! Really cute bump. Seems like most of you over the pond find out the gender which I can never fathom – its like opening your Chirstmas presents way before Christmas. I think it’s so much more exciting this way. Enjoy the last weeks when that little one is yours and yours only.
Hi from Ireland! Really cute bump. Seems like most of you over the pond find out the gender which I can never fathom – its like opening your Chirstmas presents way before Christmas. I think it’s so much more exciting this way. Enjoy the last weeks when that little one is yours and yours only.
What a cute bump! I know what you mean….Our son is 10 weeks…we are keeping him in our room…he’ll get a room eventually. Besides, a baby isn’t going to know difference if they had a cute nursery or not…As long as mom is close by, they’re happy 🙂