Finally! It’s here!!! My belly has finally popped out to the world. I have been waiting it seems like forever for this to happen and now that it has I am thinking, ‘what was I thinking?!?‘ Because with a belly comes: not being able to bend over, much less attention spent to the hair on my legs, uncomfortable sleeping positions, trouble getting in and out of cars, waddling, the stealthiness of putting a little one in and out of a crib for nap and bed time, and lots of fun picking up children who feel like walking is something they just don’t feel like doing at any given moment. Joy!
So many of you have emailed me and been asking, ‘Where are my belly shots!‘ and ‘When am I going to post some belly pics?‘ (which by the way, thank you!! I just love all the sweet emails I get from you!) Well, this is why I haven’t posted any!!!! I had no belly to shoot…for some reason this little Bean has taken his or her good ‘ol time to push up all my organs. And yes, I do feel it! This whole weekend has been spent in an uncomfortable hot mess. My intestines, stomach and other necessary digestive parts of me have really been feeling this baby’s desire to grow and are NOT happy! Hopefully this week my body will take one for the team and help this pregnant momma out a bit.
Ok, so week 18 starts today…here is my first belly shot of many to come, I’m sure!
Well??? What do you think??? Is it a boy or a girl!?! We didn’t find the sex out with our first two and are contemplating not finding out again. Since we don’t ever know until the baby is in our arms, I always like to look at my weekly belly shot pictures and try to guess what it’s going to be. Hmmm, I’m thinking boy….uh, no maybe girl….ok, I think I can’t decide right now, I’ll have to give myself some more time. I guessed right with both Penny and Noah so we’ll see if I can guess right again…what are your thoughts!?!
In other news, I finally put Noah’s 3 Year Birthday Thank You cards in the mail! Holy crap, just 3 months late!!! Really though, I have a good excuse…remember my pukey state of self earlier? Plus, then when I did feel good I just plain forgot! I think looking at all the past ones we did hanging on our fridge finally lit a fire under my butt and out in the mailbox they sit…Woo Hoo!
Here is what they look like:

And lastly…we got more snow! Only 3 inches so not a horrible amount, but seriously, I am ready for spring!!! Here is my little Peanut watching Daddy snow blow all that white stuff out of the driveway! I think she actually wants to be out there…why I ask, why?!?!
Awww! You and your little belly are so cute! 😉 Since I’m new around here, and I didn’t know you were preggers, I would like to extend my congratulations to you and your hubby! I’m guessing now, it’s a boy… Hmmmm.. An old wives tale says the first name you come up with and are set on will be the sex of the baby, so if you’ve thought of a girl name first…..It’s going to be a girl! (you get it…)
I had an awful time last night trying to make a sweater dress for my 1 ½ year old.. Didn’t help that she freaked out everytime I needed her to wear it and stand still for measurements… I need another looksee at your post….
Come check out my Mercury-ish Giveaway!
So cute! I didn’t know you were expecting either-congrats!
You’re so cute!! I’m jealous! I found out Friday that a very dear friend of mine is pregnant again. I’m so getting the bug!!!
This is a belly shot? You are so tiny! I was like the my first pregnancy, this 2nd one, well, It’s gotten HUGE! When is you due date? I have a little under 7 weeks left to go! CONGRATS!
L-o-v-e the belly mama!! I sooo wish we lived closer and could let our munchkins play. Maybe someday!
I love your blog! I used your fabric rose wreath as inspiration for one of my projects. Please check it out at
Picture cards are the best. As an Auntie, I can tell you we just love ’em! I have the ones of my nephews lined up. First one little baby, a bigger baby, a big boy, a bigger boy wit h a little baby bother….it makes me happy.