Halloween…need I say more!?!
Yup, so if you didn’t know…Halloween was last night…SURPRISE…hope I didn’t let you know a day too late! By the picture above, you can see that Noah was MORE than into it this year. In his mind, Halloween = CANDY! At least he remembered to say the 3 phrases we taught him before we left the house: ‘Trick or Treat’, ‘Thank you’ and ‘Happy Halloween’! That last phrase put a smile on many of our neighbor’s faces…that and Penny and Noah’s costume collaboration. Last year…wait for it…Noah was a monkey and Penny was his banana, there is just something about tandem costumes that gets me all giddy inside (squeal!) So, now I think I have put myself in the position to keep coming up with these ideas…oh brother, what did I get myself into 😉 Penny was surpisingly lovin’ Halloween as well (which we were a bit surprised by). I think she got wind of Noah eating all that candy and thought she better get in on the good stuff too. It’s so hard to keep her away from all the naughty-for-your-baby foods, I think Noah was more than 2 when he had his first taste of chocolate…Penny, not so much! Ah well, so goes life as a second child! OK, well here are some pictures from last night…ENJOY!
Let’s start the evening off with a big handful of candy from OUR house!
I’m ready to go…NOW!

So many to choose from, so little time...
(See how Penny’s patiently waiting her turn? That didn’t last long!)