Here’s another fun idea I created earlier this summer for my little ones to help us (or me) enjoy all the laps around the block we take every single day. Don’t get me wrong, I love walking the block but sometimes, just sometimes, it can get a little bang my head against the wall, ya feeling me? One kid wants to go left, the other is screaming to go right and the baby is trying her hardest to Houdini it out of her stroller straps.
Do you need something fun like this to add a new dimension to your everyday-everyday?
I kinda thought you might.
Print the Scavenger Hunt Here!
When you print the Scavenger Hunt out you will get FOUR cards per sheet. I print mine on a heavy cardstock. Take a scissors or a paper cutter and cut them apart. Then just give your kids a crayon, a little marker or even stickers and let them search high and low finding each picture on the card.
We always find lots of American flags on our walks. It’s so fun to hear Penelope yell out when she’s spotted one, ‘Mare-can Fwag! Mare-can Fwag!‘ Finding them just might be the highlight of her day.
Partway through you just may need to sit down in someone’s driveway and scan your card to see what you have left to find…this is hard work peeps!
Oooh, Oooh! Flowers…12 o’clock! Check and done!!
When you’ve found every single last item you know it’s time to let your baby sister have at the card…she is so excited over the prospect of getting some card play…time to get a little slobbery dude!
Thank you for this print out..! I am in charge of our family reunion in July and this a must do with the little tikes..! So easy for prep and what a great way to educate at the same time..!
I love this idea! Both of my girls would love it too, and it would certainly entertain them for at least an hour – YEAH!
What a great idea!
We just did a scavenger hunt last night for my son’s summer school. Both kids were really into it. What a great idea!
Oh this is so cool. Ben my grandson age 4 1/2 would love this.. Thanks so much..~! Great are such a clever rabbit..
Have a blessed day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)
Very cool! Thanks!
This’ll be great for our upcoming trip.
I usually do I Spy in Excel, but I like the idea of pictures!
Another great idea!! 🙂
So great!! Thanks for the printable!
What a cute idea! If I did one I’d have to alter it, I think we’d have to take quite a long walk to find an american flag… they are around, just not so much!
That’s a great idea! I’ll have to use that with my twins. Thanks for sharing!
This is such a great idea, I think my son will love it.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 2 post on Jun. 24, 2011. Thanks again.
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I loved this, I did it with my dayhome kids and it was a huge success! I linked it to my blog (my very teeny blog, lol)because I thought it was so great!
I loved this! My 3 kiddos did it this morning on our family walk and loved it! Thanks so much for sharing! and for the awesome idea!!
Thank you thank you thank you! My daughter has hand foot and mouth right now, and while she feels fine, she’s not supposed to be around other kids. Now we have something to do!
what a fun idea, thanks for sharing the printable!
Melissa @imaginatiosoup
Great idea, I featured it on my blog
Love it! Love it! LA-VA it! Now, is there an extended version for long trips, in the South? You know, we have some very special road-side jewels here in the south – boiled p-nut stands, cars on blocks, crazy stuff! That would be fun for kids and parents alike – Ha!
Oooh this is FAB. I found you on Tip Junkie! THANK YOU! Your blog is ADORABLE. I am off to see what other wonderfulness I can find here! 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing, this is a great way to keep the kids inside the wagon to on longer walks. Love your blog, found you through Tip Junkie
This is great! I’ve done this once, but I drew the objects to find. I think my drawings took longer than our walk! Thanks for the printable. 🙂
This is so cool! Thanks!
I did this with my class. I teach 3, 4 and 5 yrs old. We did it while we were outside on the playground and they enjoyed it so much. I only made about 8 of them and have to print off more. Thanks so much.
My son loved this so much that he has asked me to make him a new card with other items on it. Im going to see if I can edit your original file. Thanks so much!
This was wonderful! Found on Pinterest, printed it off and my 4 yr old and I went for a 2 hr walk without complaint today! Thank you so much! 🙂
This is wonderful! I found it on Pinterest, printed it today and my 4 yr old son and I went for a 2 hr walk this afternoon without complaint. Thank you so much! Love your blog!
Thank you so much for this!! I was almost ready to give up finding one appropriate for our Preschool playgroup! You saved me from having to make my own!
Genius! Thanks a million!
Love it. I will have to try this soon! Time to get printer ink!
This was awesome! Thank you!
So glad y’all have been enjoying this printable!! 🙂
I am having a hard time printing this. When I click on the link, only the leaf prints and when I click to download, it looks like I have to pay to get access to the document to print it. Thanks in advance for your help.
It was me after all – thanks so much for this! (User error is usually the case for me…) 🙂 Have a great day!
I am having the same problem as AudnZaxMom had: Scribd wants me to pay for access. How do I bypass this?
I right clicked on the image and chose “save as”. It was then a picture on my computer and I could then print it….hope that helps! 🙂
Love this idea & thinks for the free printable!
How did you make this? I was wanted to make one with items in the classroom.
I just saw this on Pinterest. What a super idea! My toddler will love it. Thanks.