So since Christmas is in just a few days, I will be bidding you adieu until after the gift un-wrapping frenzy has ended. Me and the fam will be spending some major quality time soaking in our last bits of Christmas fun before the Big day since me and the kids are officially on winter break. No preschool, no ballet, no story time, for reals! I’m seeing a movie day out in our future with, egads! all three of my children (and hubby of course!) Wish us luck!!
I will post the winner of the Weebles Wobble and giftcard on Sunday…or maybe Monday…so if you haven’t joined in on the fun, go HERE to do so now!
I’ll leave you with some stills of some of the Christmas fun we have been having this crazy snowy winter. Dana made it look so fun that I just had to contribute to the goodness. Enjoy! 🙂
‘Tis the season for a little Holiday Bokeh!!
I love the look of bokeh and if you do too, this is the perfect time of year to perfect this fun photography skill!! Christmas tree lights always look a little merrier all blurred out and circular smooth 🙂
Here are some good tutorials if you are so inclined to try it out yourself!!
We did our annual Christmas tradition of decorating a Gingerbread House. It looks pretty but don’t be deceived there is little kid goober all over this thing. The day we decorate our Gingerbread House always equals major sugar high day in our house, how about yours?
I’ve been on a Christmas cookie baking binge the past few weeks, WOW say that 5 times fast! Oh, how I love to look at lots of pretty cookies (and eat them too-who am I kidding that’s the only reason I love to bake them!) If you are a neighbor or friend you may have received a tray or two of them…hope you liked them 🙂 !!
The kids also spent another day decorating GIANT gingerbread men, of which Penny made hers a lady complete with a little bow on her head 🙂
Not sure why her lady is wearing a tie.
Of course you can’t decorate anything gingerbread related in our house without a good lick at the end of all your hard work.
And a taste of a foot.
Noah made himself a little Ginger boy. Check out that hair!
A sampling of his work is in order, don’t you think?
Nom, nom, nom!
Unfortunately Eloise couldn’t really partake in the festivities, do you think she’s upset?
And just to add a little sappy-ness to this post can I just say that I am so blessed to have these guys in my life. They really do fill my heart with utter joy and happiness. My cup runneth over!!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy any bit of time that you get to spend with your loved ones near or far.
Merry Christmas to You!!!
{And, in case you were wondering, YES those are Halloween pajama pants that Penelope is wearing.}
GAH! Merry Christmas! Thank you for posting those adorable snowman, that was a wonderful gift to our family of laughter and fun!
Your babe is adorable. As are the other two…why is everything you do so friggin’ awesome? 😉
Have a great Christmas and New Year!
Merry Christmas! Gorgeous family and delicious goodies!
The gingerbread men look great, but the up close photos of the kiddos are DA BOMB. (Can I still say that?) And re: the Halloween pants in December? Hey, if you’re that cute, you can get away with anything!
v. cute pics – love the icicles on your gingerbread house!
Blue Skies
Charlotte xo