This Diaper Bag Checklist Free Printable is perfect for new parents and caregivers!
Being a new parent is hard! I remember when my four were babies and how crazy and messy life became in an instant. It still amazes me how such a little person can go through so many outfits in one day…So. Much. Laundry. And the diapers…Endless!!! I remember how packing the diaper bag with every essential was key to getting out of the house. The diaper bag was crucial in getting to stay after to chat with other mommas after library story time or at playgroup at the park without having to leave early because your sweet pea had a blow out and you forgot an extra outfit, you ran out of wipes, and you somehow wiped poo on the front of your shirt!
Diaper Bag Checklist Free Printable
One of my favorite things to do when I find out a friend is having a baby is to gift them with some supplies. I have always felt that, as a parent of a new baby, you could never have enough diapers. Which is why I think they make a great new baby gift…along with a few other goodies of course (and especially a warm meal!) If you’re looking for a leak and mess-free day, Pampers is definitely the way to go. It’s why Pampers Swaddlers are the #1 Choice of Hospitals. They feature a unique Absorb Away Liner that pulls wetness and mess away from baby’s skin to help keep your baby comfortable. Swaddlers also has a color changing wetness indicator that tells you when your baby might need a change…how awesome is that?
Another great item to give got new mommas (and daddies of course!) is Dreft Laundry Detergent! I mean what new parent wants to have to take their newborn babe to the store because they ran out of detergent? Dreft’s hypoallergenic formula is designed to be tough on stains while still gentle on baby’s skin and is the #1 choice of Pediatricians and has been trusted by moms for over 80 years.
I also love giving new momma’s this fun Diaper Bag Checklist I created. I know how in a fog you can be after you bring baby home from the hospital, with around the clock feedings, monitoring wet diapers, and the lack of sleep, sometimes our “mommy brain” makes remembering all the little things that much harder! Having a checklist on hand makes getting out of the house so much easier! You can click on the image below to print the Checklist off…I suggest printing a few…one for the diaper bag and maybe one for the fridge…in case you have a babysitter, grandparents, sibling, or friend helping you out.
From detergent to wipes to diapers, you want the best to keep your baby clean and dry and that can be found at Meijer. Aaaand you can get a FREE Dreft 50oz detergent when you buy 2 Pampers Super Packs diapers during the weeks of 8/6 and 8/20 at Meijer. Check your local store for more details!
And now for a pretty sweet giveaway! ONE winner can receive the following:
- $100 Meijer Gift Card
- Dreft Pen
- Laundry Basket
- Dreft Multi Surface Cleaner Wipes
- Dryer Balls
Just comment below with your Diaper Bag Must Have!
Good Luck!
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of P&G. The opinions and text are all mine.
a cute changing pad is a must!!
My diaper bag must-have is a fresh pack of baby wipes.
a granola bar and a bottle of Tylenol
A soft cuddly blanket-can be used for so many emergencies.
Wipes, wipes, wipes! I carry 3 different kinds: Baby wipes, boogie wipes and wet wipes. Wipes are a definite must-have!
Plastic bags for dirty diapers!
Baby wipes! Good for more than cleaning baby bums!
Bottles and milk is my must have! Followed by Diapers and wipes!
must have wipes and extra clothing a must
must have wipes and extra clothing a must .
I will find out soon…..we are adopting a little girl, and she will be born on Sept. 12th. =)
A Pacifier!!! It can be very stressful to be out and about with a crying baby. Having a pacifier with you to help calm baby can make a huge difference!
Nursing cover and Carrier 🙂
Wipes. One word, so much multipurpose.
Diapers and plenty of wipes!
My diaper bag must-haves are fresh baby wipes and a clean outfit!
Burpcloths, these are multi-functional.
Diaper bag must have? Portable/foldable bassinets for longer trips, gotta have it!
Diaper bag must have? Portable/foldable bassinets for longer trips, gotta have it!
Baby wipes are always a necessity!
My diaper bag must-have are fresh diapers. wipes and clean outfit.
Diapers and wipes, and extra pacifier!
Wipes and diapers and a change of clothes are big must haves.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
Diapers, wipes, and a change of clothing is essential.
wipes and an extra set of clothes are a must
I’m happy you made this, I’m expecting my first baby in January!!
Snacks and water for nursing momma!
extra outfits always, usually a couple of little toys to use a distractions, bottles obviously, diapers, wipes, (it always looked like i was packing for the apocalypse)
Diapers and wipes.
The must haves are wipes and diapers.
Diapers, wipes, a blanket and a change of clothing are must haves for my diaper bag.
Oh man, the list doesn’t end does it? We had to have diapers and wipe first but somethings we could not be without like pacifiers (my first was twin daughters). Had to keep them happy at all times and they had many medical issues at first so we almost needed to take the whole house with us. Now, I am a single dad raising all 5 of my kids and we still need to take things along anywhere we go.
Sorry 2 went through, it gave me an error message each time and did not show up
Oh man, the list doesn’t end does it? We had to have diapers and wipe first but somethings we could not be without like pacifiers (my first was twin daughters). Had to keep them happy at all times and they had many medical issues at first so we almost needed to take the whole house with us. Now, I am a single dad raising all 5 of my kids and we still need to take things along anywhere we go. Needed lot of clothing also for those mishaps they went through a diaper.
I always carry extra change of clothes. A wet bag to keep dirty stuff in. Diapers. Wipes. And snacks!!
I always have to have an additional outfit in my diaper bag because you never know if an accident is going to happen.
My diaper bag must have is a snack and a change of clothes. You never know when you’ll need either of them, but you don’t want to be caught without them 🙂
My diaper bag must have is wipes!!! I feel like it truly is so versatile and there when you need it the most lol
My diaper bag must have is wipes, diapers, diaper rash creme, and extra clothes in case of an accident!
A couple of extra outfits are a must in any diaper bag!
Must have : a washcloth! Thanks!
Must have: Washcloths. Thanks
Snacks! For baby and Mom!
Diapers, wipes and extra change of clothes are my must haves. Thanks for the chance to win!