…Please? Pretty Please!? …Ok, maybe after I show you the pictures you’ll want to give me that drum roll. I saw on the Plum Pudding blog the idea for my latest project. Embroidered handprints of your child(ren)! It is such a great idea isn’t it? Instead of the usual suspects, ink handprints or handprints in clay, this one gives such a nice handmade touch to the those darling little hands you want to cherish forever! Now, mind you, I’ve never embroidered in my life so I had to surf the web on some techniques but by even not having a clue of what to do in that arena this project was pretty darn easy. It probably took me 2 hours tops to finish it. We (meaning Clif) even painted the hoop but you don’t even have to do that. I think it looks pretty great. What do you think?
My babies hands embroidered and all! Now, can I get that drum roll?

Same one, just another view…I think I am going to do this every year…how cool would that be? And maybe, do them individually too, in pretty colors…oh, I could keep going!
The really nice thing is that if you do this every year and you run out of space to keep them, you can make a quilt with the whole collection.
That is an awesome idea! All the more reason that I need to do these every year!