So, I wanted to let you all know that I’ve been featured in Canadian Family Magazine’s list of Top Mommy Blogs…how cool is that!
My blog has been included as one of their favourite top mom-powered blogs, can you believe it? What an honor!! And yes, that’s favorite spelled ‘favourite‘! Man, you gotta love our neighbors to the north, they write so cool. Please stop by their website and check out the sweet slideshow they have up. I am SO thrilled to be a part of such a lovely group of ladies and their amazingly cool blogs, what a pretty swell feeling it is! You’ll find my blog under the Food and Recipes category…just perfect for me and my ever-expanding baby belly!
So get going, really, you must immediately head over there and check out all the blogs on their list, really. As. Soon. As. Possible. You’re Google Reader subscriptions will grow today adding hours and hours of crazy fun to your evenings just for your blog-reading pleasure…you can thank me later 😉
just stumbled on your blog… congratulations on the feature!
Kim @
party inspiration
THat is awesome! way to go!
that is so awesome! congrats:)
Congratulations. I love your blog too!
Now that is seriously happiness!!
Soooo very cool.I checked it out! Am checking out a few others from list too.
Awesome! Congrats! I’m totally going to check it out. 🙂
Wow Maggie!! How exciting!
You amaze me!! Congrats and keep up the great content!! I love your blog. Happy Mom’s Day, btw!
What an exciting happening! Congrats. 🙂
congratulations!!! 😀
lol, here in south africa we also spell it favoUrite and coloUr etc etc! 🙂
Congratulations on your feature! How exciting!!
Doesn’t surprise me, your blog is awesome! Congrats!