You guys. Hold me. No seriously. Please! This momma needs a big, long, strong bear hug, stat. My littlest little one has officially started preschool. Ugh. How? How is it possible that he is old enough to leave me for 2 days a week? I cannot. Really. Cannot fathom how 3 years just flew by like they did. But his sheer excitement and the fact that we go to the best preschool around with the best teachers around makes the blow of him leaving me a little bit softer. I guess. As you can see from the picture above, he was more than excited to start school. I call this his “Say Anything” photo…like John Cusick with the boom box in the movie, lol. He posed like that all by himself!!!
I went through his clothes the night before picking out a few cute outfits for him for the morning thinking that I would save us some time getting ready…a plain t-shirt…a polo shirt…plaid shorts, etc but in the morning when it was time for him to get dressed he told me, “no, momma, those are ugly, I’m not wearing those!” “I want to wear this instead!” So on went his standard every day Superman t-shirt, lol! He is such a boy…he loves his superheroes, Star Wars characters, lightsabers, and trucks! And the best thing was when we got to preschool every little boy in his class had on a different super hero shirt…batman, captain america, the hulk, etc. it was so funny and made me a chuckle and think to myself that I bet they all told their parents similar things…I love that all the parents let their boys where shirts that spoke to their personality!
So can I tell you about how flipping happy he was to finally be taking his “First Day of School” pictures like his big siblings did last week. Superman shirt, Batman backpack, and finally, he officially could wear his new gym shoes for the playground. It’s almost as if his head exploded from all the excitement. Sweet boy!
Oh, little man. My sweet tiny boy. Oliver. I hope you love school as much as your siblings do. I know you will have so much fun and you will learn so many new things and make lots of new friends. I am so excited for your new adventure even though I am a little sad that you are growing up. We love you so much!!!
Your momma and daddy!
What great pictures, and he did a great job. I can’t believe he is this big either, I still think of him as the baby of the family, He even showed us his face mask on his sweatshirt, very cool, and thanks for letting him wear what he wanted. You are the most special mom, enjoy some time to yourself and thanks for trusting us with all your children, they are awesome!!
Miss Anita!!!! Aww, thank you for such a sweet comment! He is loving preschool and all his teachers! <3 We are lucky to have you all a part of our children's lives…hooray!!!!