Oh boy! Today’s post is not for the faint of heart!!! Or maybe, I should say, today’s post is perfect for the Halloween lover! To quickly give you a little background on how this idea came to fruition, let’s just start by saying that years ago when I was a kid Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was totally my jam. Well, that and Top Gun but that’s a story for another day 😉 Anyways, my siblings and I looooved watching this movie. It was just the right amount of hilarious Indiana Jones humor, the perfect bit of cunning smarts, and just a dash of scary that we all loved enough to watch hundreds of times over. One of my all time favorite scenes is (spoiler alert, lol!) when Indiana and his friends are eating dinner with the Prime Minister at the creepy Palace and are served all sorts of stomach churning foods, one being …dun, dun, dun….Chilled Monkey Brains! We always had a fascination with what it actually was they were eating (our best guess was always jello) and so, on a random trip to the craft store, I found these brain molds and everything I ever dreamed about Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom fell into place…so without further ado, may I introduce you to…Chilled Monkey Brains…the less stomach churning version! 🙂
I’m sorry, but I just love these so much!!! I know it sounds gross. But it’s like my childhood dream come to life that I get to lift that lidded brain up and find some jello inside. (I know, I know, it really should be a skull but I’m working with what I got!) Even grosser on the inside, lol!
To make these Chilled Monkey Brains you need the following:
1 bag PINK Wilton Candy Melts
1 Wilton plastic brain candy mold
2 boxes of cherry jello (made following the package directions)First, make your jello. While that is setting, melt a quarter of the bag of candy melts into a microwave safe bowl for about 1 minute or until they are melted. Stir well. Then coat the brain candy molds with a thick layer. Place in the freezer for about 10 minutes or until hard and then using a toothpick, or the end of a sharp knife, pry them loose. They should pop right out! Continue doing this until you have as many brains as you need. I used the whole bag and made 5 complete brains.
Next, scoop up the jello (I found the less neat I was the better the inside of the brain goo looked!) and place it into one half the the brain shell. Cap with the other half and continue on until you have as many as you need.
Ooooh! How creepy and gross do those look?
Then, serve them up all the while saying, “Chilled Monkey Brains” as you lift of the top. Too and it doesn’t make a suctioning sound while you do so…lol!
Thanks for stopping by today! I hope this wasn’t too gross for y’all!