Anyone else feeling the time crunch of Halloween…one week to go!!!! I just finished two of the kids’ costumes last night and I’m hoping to get the last two done in the next couple of days. We need them for a few parties this weekend, gah!!! Nothing like a little last minute stress, hahahaha, no.
A local mommy group I’m in is throwing a big Halloween bash for all the littles in the group this year and they asked me if I wanted to help with the decorations and general party-ness. I have been creating goodie bags, table decor, treats, and favors over the past month and loving every minute of it, I love this kinda stuff!
I thought I’d show you what I’ve been creating over the last few weeks!
I picked up these spooky little chocolate eyeballs and originally intended them to be in a vase or as some type of table decoration until I was browsing through designs in the Silhouette online store one night and I found this rad skull and cross bones design. I created a cute little party favor with it using their nifty print and cut feature!
so I thought it would be fun to hot glue two eyeballs where the eyes would go and say, “Eye hope you have a Happy Halloween” *Snort!* Get it!
I die. 🙂
I also found these fun “night creatures” at the dollar store and my mind went straight to that super cute Valentine I pinned about a year ago from Dandee (seen here). I thought I’d throw a Halloween spin on it and came up with this…
How freakin’ cute, huh? Little specimen jars with creepy crawlies in them 🙂 Just like all the mason jars we use in the summer collecting bugs! Again, I found the cute little design in the Silhouette store and used the print and cut feature to create them.
I’ll try to post some of the other things I created for this party if I can get the rest of my littles’ costumes done…can you guess what they are going to be? They all go together again if you can believe that! Our theme this year is…SCARY!
Thanks for stopping by today!!
Thank you for sharing this blogs. I love the stuff that you posted here!
Oh gosh, don’t remind me how close Halloween is, I’m so utterly behind on the costumes yikes! Im loving your party favors, I somehow volunteered doing Halloween decorations for a party that is just a week away, so I really want to use your creepy crawlers idea, but with less fancy jars XD