Last week my little lady Eloise turned a big 3 years old. It still seems a bit unreal that she is 3! 3??? I know the math is right but it just doesn’t seem possible that she has been a part of our family for three years already.
{Enjoying her birthday crown that big sister made for her!}
This little girl is such a light in our lives. She is a hugger and a kisser and just loves with all her heart.
Literally, every day (and multiple times a day at that) she says this to us…
“I love dah, I love momma, I love No-No, I love Peh-ie, I love Ah-bur, I love E!”
Translation…I love Dad, I love Mom, I love Noah, I love Penny, I love Oliver, I love Olivia (our doggie whom we all call “E” thanks to Noah’s toddler-ese back in the day!)
She loves to play with her babies and she will play for hours on end. She has the most elaborate baby set-ups I’ve ever seen. Feeding schedules, diaper changes, clothing changes, bedtime routines, she has it all down pat and takes it all so seriously, what a good momma she will make one day!
And yet at the other end of the spectrum she is my one child that I like to call my “hot mess”. She loves to get down and dirty and do the craziest things like go full body diving into a pool just filled with freezing water straight from the hose. She will roll around in dirt and sand and wash her hair in it if she has her way. If there were dirty finger nail and toe nail awards they would go to her hands down. She cracks us up every day this child of mine.
She definitely marches to the beat of her own drummer and we love her so much for that! What a blessing from above she is!!
Oh Eloise, how we love you so much! You are now THREE!!! You have learned so much in three short years and I am excited to see what you will continue to learn each and every day. What a fun year you have ahead of you starting preschool this fall! What will I do with myself without my Ellie Bellie to keep me company at home?
Thank you God for sharing this little soul with us! We are so thankful she is a part of our family!
Thank you for sharing Ellie’s birthday with us! Cute pictures, beautiful words…