Today I just wanted to wish my first born daughter, Miss Penelope, a very happy 3rd birthday!
On Penelope’s birthday 3 years ago, I woke up that morning feeling slightly off. I know this might be TMI but when I was in the bathroom that morning I saw that infamous mucous plug and told my husband about it. The last time, around when Noah was born, I saw the same thing and then minutes after my water broke while I was at work no less and in the middle of our evening rush too. Suffice it to say, we finished up at work (we work together), filled up the car with gas as we were on empty of course, ran home, grabbed our bags and headed to the hospital. Noah was born 3 hours later!!
So Mr. Smashed Peas, remembering that crazy fast delivery the first time around, called his parents to make the 3 hour trek to our place as he was sure today was the day. Once they arrived we decided to take off and seize the opportunity to have some ‘us’ time…of course we did this in the general direction of the hospital because he was sure something was going to happen. Now at this point, probably around 11 am, I was starting to feel a bit achy in my back every now and again but still feeling pretty non-contracty in my opinion. I don’t know about you but I always deny my contractions. I am always so scared to be that person who shows up to the hospital to only be told to ‘go home dear, you are not even close to being in labor yet‘ have you heard stories like that too?
Around 12:30 pm we headed to the hospital as we were timing my ‘achiness’ and figuring it to be every 6 minutes or so. They checked me in to labor and delivery and examined me…5 cm dilated. Really? This didn’t feel bad at all, there was no pain just a dull ache every now and then! I totally can do this natural child birth thing again I thought! Well, around 1:30 the pain got worse…WAY worse! The doctor that worked with my midwives had just finished delivering a baby a few doors down so he stopped in and asked if I’d like to have my water broken. He thought the baby would be born pretty quick if I did knowing my past history. We talked about it and opted to wait and see as we both wanted to let things happen naturally plus the fact that my water broke for Noah. By 3:30 the pain was pretty intense and the contractions were happening so fast. We decided to give the ‘breaking the bag’ a try to see what would happen and I prayed that this wouldn’t lead to all sorts of crazy medical interventions, I really wanted to have another natural delivery. Well, my doctor was right. The bag broke and her head seemed to fly out with the amniotic fluid. She was born minutes later. A girl! It’s a girl!! Another crazy delivery for sure but I’m so happy that it went fast, that she was healthy and that there were no complications!
Our Little Penelope!
You came out crying and full of enthusiast energy. You have been that way ever since!! We love you so much and we are so, so, so happy that you joined our family. You are the sweetest little sister, always trying to be like your big brother whether you are trying to climb a tree or ride his bike among other things. You are the most doting big sister, taking care of Eloise like she is your own little baby. You test us daily with your spirited nature always keeping us on our toes. You love the water and could spend all day in the pool if we would let you. You love your dollies, your purses and your lip gloss, you are becoming such a little girly-girl. You say ‘pone’ for phone, ‘No-No’ for Noah, and ‘Eh-yee Beh-yee of for Ellie Belly. You love to clean the house…using up all our baby wipes no less and all my swiffer duster pads too. You give the best hugs and when we ask you ‘how did you get to be the best hugger ever’ you alway reply ‘God gave me my talent’…you are just so sweet!! You love stickers and coloring and any music by Lady Gaga especially the song Paparazzi. You can count to 20 and can say the whole alphabet. You amaze us daily! We love you so much and cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for you!
Love you forever,
Momma, Daddy, Noah and Eloise
Happy 3rd birthday Penelope! How you have a wonderful day full of happiness and great surprises!
Crazy how each labor can be soo different! My 1st child took 10 hours. With my second I went in to get induced and the nurses said, “You’re having contractions every 2-3 minutes, don’t you feel them?”. Well, my water broke shortly after and she was born. Labor time – 12 minutes. Thank God I went in to get induced. You just NEVER know! (P.S. My 3rd took 5 hours. Go figure)
Happy B’day to your little princess.
Happy birthday Penelope! What a sweet little girl! PS Did you make her dress in the first picture?
Oh my gosh I LOVE her name! Happy Birthday Little Peas & Carrots!
SuCh a sweet post and the photos, made me smile.
She is adorable – happy 3rd birthday Penelope!
Happy Birthday to Penelope– you are so adorable!
I was one of those crazy pathetic pregnant ladies who showed up to the hospital to have my baby and was told to go home… TWICE. Did I mention it was my 4th baby? And that I had 5 minute apart contractions for HOURS before deciding to go in. Grrr. Ends up baby was posterior. When she was finally born 2 weeks after the first trip to the hospital the Dr. held her up and said “yep, she’s 2 weeks old for you…” The hospital policy prevented them from helping me before 39 weeks. Turns out they shoulda listened to me and my doctor… There’s my crazy story 🙂 But, baby is healthy and beautiful, so can’t complain!
Love your blog– thanks!