With school almost out (less than a month to go!), I thought it would be fun to send out some happy mail to get our sweet little school aged cousins excited about all things SUMMER (said in my very best Olaf voice!) This gift idea is a spin on the sunny yellow themed ‘Hello Sunshine’ gifts I did last year (seen here). I thought it would be fun to send an ‘Orange You Glad It’s Almost Summer’ gift box with all things orange that would help get everyone ready for all those days of playing outside and freedom from school, lol.
In this Orange themed gift box I sent out…
- Orange Crush Licorice
- Goldfish Crackers
- Orange Tic Tacs
- Orange Flavored Gum
- Orange Squirt Gun
- Bubbles in an Orange Container
- Sunblock in an Orange Tube
And then I wrapped them all up in different kinds of orange paper and gift bags (sealed of course with orange washi tape!)
Then my little helpers packaged them all up and away we sent them in the mail!
So fun!! I hope they enjoy our little surprise mail delivery!
Thanks for stopping by today!
I truly love this idea! Such a caring and fun way to stay involved in their lives!
Thanks Torry! They live across the country so we like to surprise them when we can!!