Here’s a super quick and super cute gift idea for an Easter treat that I put together the other day. I always love seeing the new Hershey’s Kisses flavors that come into store seasonally and when I saw the Carrot Cake ones I was like, ‘Whaaa!?!’ and stopped in my tracks. First, they taste just like carrot cake and secondly, ummm, they look just like little itty bitty carrots if you flip them upside down which is how I created these uber cute Hershey’s Kisses Carrot Treats…perfect for gifting in a little Easter grass filler!
To make them you only need a few things:
Green tissue paper cut into small 2 x 2 inch squares
Glue stick
Hershey’s Kisses Carrot Cake Kisses
And then all you need to do is rub the glue stick over the flat end of the kiss and then press the tissue paper square on top (nice and centered), then carefully bunch up the tissue paper to look like carrot top greens and give them a few minutes to dry before manhandling them! 🙂
In no time flat you will have yourself a nice little bounty of carrots without the work of tending to a garden all summer long!
To gift these cute little carrots, I stuffed an ice cream carton (I buy mine here!) with green Easter grass filler and then tucked them in to look like they were growing inside.
Eeep! Too cute for words…am I right?!!!
And the great thing about these cute little ice cream cartons is that they double as a mailing container. Just tape the lid down, and then you can head to the post office, throw some stamps on it, and mail it off to friends and family! Such a fun way to send mail!!!Hope y’all have a Happy Easter!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by today, I truly appreciate it!
This is so adorable! Just the time it takes to glue the paper says a lot about it being done with love. Great share Happy Easter 🙂