Ok, so I know you all have probably heard of edible play dough using peanut butter, right? Probably from watching Jon and Kate Plus 8, am I right again? If you’ve ever tried it you know it is some good eats. It’s the kind of good where I could make a batch of and just eat it as a snack. All.Day.Long. Yeah, that good!
Well, the problem I have these days is that Little Miss P is under two and for those of you with little ones you know what that means, NO PEANUTS, NO PEANUT PRODUCTS, NO PEANUT BUTTER…all said with red lights blaring. Eat peanut butter before age two and go right to the hospital, do not pass go…anyone else feel like this? Yikes, what’s a mom to do who has an over two-year old (ok, so he’s three) and an under two-year old??? For awhile I just didn’t make it at all, even though Noah absolutely loves playing with and eating it. Then, I came to the point where I would make it as a special treat after Penny went to bed cause for a time she was going to bed at 6 pm…no lie…it was awesome! Making it gave Noah the illusion that he had something special to play with, ‘no baby’s allowed’ if you will!
Nowadays Penny is old enough to stay up a little later and both my little boogers go to bed at the same time (Yay me!) Unfortunately for Noah this means no more fun Peanut Butter Play Dough time.
Until now that is 🙂
I was at the store the other day and finally bought a jar of Sun Butter, ever heard of this stuff? Well, it’s like peanut butter except made from sunflower seeds. So okay, I know there may be quite a few of you who have already experienced this glorious find of mine but for those of you who haven’t bought or tried it I tell you, you must! It is soooo good! Soy butter it is not, that stuff is just blech, actually Blech with a capital ‘B’!!! This Sun Butter stuff tastes just like roasted sunflower seeds…so if you like them you will like this, pinky swear!
This is what it looks like:
It’s a bit pricier than regular peanut butter but since it tastes good and I know we will actually finish the jar it’s worth it!
Anyways…the moral of the story is that since I have found Sun Butter I can make Edible Peanut Butter Play Dough again…WOO HOO and the crowd (of kids) goes wild! If you have peanut allergies in your family you may want to give this a whirl since it actually tastes pretty good 🙂
Oh, and here is the recipe for the play dough I use in case you just plain have no clue what I’m talking about:
Edible Peanut Butter Play Dough
1/2 cup peanut butter (or sun butter)
1/2 cup dry non-fat milk
1/2 cup honey
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until a play dough consistency is achieved. You may need to add a little more of the dry milk so it’s not super duper sticky. Play with cookie cutters and rolling pins and decorate with raisins and cranberries!
Noah’s masterpiece…we’ll call it ‘Ants on a Log with No Log‘
Enjoy the weather
I think spring is officially here in Illinois!!
you’ve done it again! ; )
Trader Joe’s also has their own brand of sunbutter that is a little less expensive than the actual Sunbutter brand. My boys like it. I personally have never tasted it because I have a seed allergy, but they inhale it.
oooo mmmmyy geeeez I LOVE THIS IDEA….
im totally following cant wait for more!
I totally have to try this! I’ve never even heard of sunflower seed spread. So cool!
I will have to make this to enjoy fun with the grandchild. Thanks!
Aaack! How did I not think of Trader Joe’s!!! Thanks, I’ll definitely be buying more there!!!
I had NO clue that you weren’t supposed to give them peanut butter until they were two. I waited until they were one and then gave it to both my girls. Whoops! I hope they don’t get PB allergies now. That would be awful! I will have to look for Sunbutter for my 19 month old.
Thanks for your recipes. My grandson, who will be 15 in a couple of weeks, has a peanut allergy that was discovered just before he turned 1. For us the hardest thing is finding food that you can travel with, that will keep well. Peanut butter sandwiches were always my go to food – and handy to keep around. Now, of course, we avoid anything with nuts of any kind.
New reccommendations about food allergies is waiting does not keep them from getting allergies if they were going to any way… But yah sun butter is good esp with a very thin spread of honey. THey allow this at my dtrs preschool instead of the PB&J!
What could I use instead of dry milk? We have a dairy allergy, too!