Oh boy! I’m so excited…have you noticed my new blog look? You like? I do! That blogger template was just getting to old skool for me. I needed some spice, some, some…something that said ‘ME’. I think this does it, what do you think? Emily from The Blog Fairy helped me make-over my wonderful little bloggity blog, she is just splendid and she did such an amazing job, don’t you think? I think (geez, have a said that word enough?) my most favorite part is the cute little pea and carrot that are here to represent me …now represent! Yay!!

So, I’m still under a little bit of construction, but only for a little while longer, I just have a few kinks to iron out (blech, hate the ironing, don’t you?).
But quickly, just a little tour for you…you can see, I now have some navigation links at the top and within those (as well as the animated button on the upper right sidebar…cute, right!?!) I have a link to my Etsy shop. That’s right, I said MY Etsy Shop!!!! WooHoo! Ok, before you (or I really) get too excited let me just explain that there is a link and a shop but no goods yet. They will be coming soon though, so please check back. (Please!!) I’ll mainly be selling some of the things you’ve seen me make on this blog: stuffed animals/taggies, burp cloths, hair accessories, and other baby goods I haven’t posted on here yet as well as maybe a few things for the hip stylin’ momma (or hip stylin’ chick without kidlets too!).
Ok, so enough already…just wanted to update all my lovely friends about all the goings on at Smashed Peas and Carrots! Now, back to work for me…
I love the new layout! It really brightens up your blog!
I love it, it looks FANTASTIC!!
Super cute layout! Great job!
The blog looks awesome – I LOVE it!! Great job! And you’re right, the pea and carrot are just TOO cute!!
Love the new layout!
I LOVE IT!!! You go girl on your etsy shop!
The layout looks great! Love the pea and carrot, very creative and bright! Great Job or should I say Kudos! 😉