If any of you have little girls in the house who are constantly asking you to paint their nails then I have the most awesome product to show you today.
And the bonus is that the nail color is peel-off, water-based, and non-toxic. So it makes painting the nails of small children easier…and waaaay less smelly!
In true Klutz fashion, the book comes with great color graphics for mixing your own colors…
And teaches you basic techniques on how to apply the nail color. It also shows you how to work with glitter and other nail add-ons using Klutz’s fun and quirky humor.
There are quite a few pages of nail inspiration to try….this will keep our nails pretty for quite a while!
your little one looks SOOO proud of her beautiferous nails. What a fun rainy-day type project!
Fun! I actually got that book as a gift when I was in my early teens, they’ve updated the cover/packaging but the book looks the same as I remember inside! It’s a classic! Well I mean not a classic novel but a classic Klutz book. 😉