So, the hubs and I switched cell phone carriers a little while back and ended up getting the iphone. Do you have one of these? This thing has been the best invention in technology to date…I think. I absolutely love it! Aside from cringing at paying waaaay too much for a cell phone, it has been lots of fun to have around. Not only can I check my email and facebook (yup, I’m addicted to that too besides all the crafting), I can get all these super sweet FREE applications like educational games for Noah which he thinks are dy-no-mite. And because they are just so fun, he has taken to finding our phones and playing with them numerous times a day. I mean, who wouldn’t want to play Balloonimals, Feed Me, and Animal Adventure any chance you get?
If you have littles (and about $300 to spend on a new phone…CRINGE!) it really is a pretty great thing for waiting in long lines, waiting at restaurants and well, waiting in general (grocery store shopping, anyone?) Well, the reason I am telling you this is not to be a Brag-gedy Ann but to share a little story with you (that I am sure I will look back on when he graduates from high school, no make that college, and laugh). Ok, on with it woman, you must be thinking. So, the other day Noah took my phone to play some games and had to go to the bathroom mere moments later. He runs to the bathroom, does his thing and then proceeds to wash his hands…for like 10 minutes. Why do littles like to play in the water so much!?! So I go in there to shut off the water and get him out of there…we really don’t need to be playing in the bathroom (YUK!) and I find him washing his hands…with get this…my iphone in one hand! WHAAAAAT!?!?!? Yeah, NOT good. So I grab my baby…my iphone not my toddler…and race her to a dry towel. Ahhh, but unfortunately about 10 minutes too late. My baby, ahem iphone, is a goner. I can’t hear our of the ear piece and the screen looks like one foggy night in London town. Cripes…I am about to cry or yell, I really can’t remember, the details are still a little fuzzy, when I decide to just walk away from it all. Yep, you heard me right, I took a little page from the parenting manual on that one. You see, hubby was scheduled to be home any minute and right about now I needed some clarity. When the hubs walks in the door, I bracingly proceed to tell him we are out about $300 and that Noah is never ever allowed anywhere near our cell phones again until he is 30 when he just looks at me and says, ‘I heard from someone at the office the other day that you can try putting it in a bag of dry rice and the rice will suck up all the water…try it” all calm and all. Seriously?!? Can this be true? So I dig around the pantry and find a bag of rice…it’s Jasmine, but it’ll have to do. I get out a ziploc bag, in goes rice, in goes iphone (bye love, I tell it like it’s going into surgery, hope you make it through, get your fight on!) The next day I turn it on and Voila, I can hear out of the ear piece again…AMAZING! The screen is still a bit foggy on the corner edges so I put her back in and wait another day hoping for the best. Day 2…she is perfect! I can’t believe it…it’s an iphone miracle!!!! So why am I telling you this crazy story with tummy twisting turns like no other? Why you ask, why?!? Because, it really works!! If you have an iphone, or any cell phone for that matter (I’m thinking), that gets dropped in the toilet, rained on, drooled upon or what have you by your little monsters you have to give this a try! My phone is alive and kickin’…no urban myth here! Well, I just wanted to give you all a little heads up in the ‘my phone is gone forev-ah’ department, I’m cool like that, you know! 🙂 Ok then, time to check my facebook page before the littles wake up!
That’s Nuts! I swear the things that you can do with household items – haha! 🙂