Here’s a fun idea we did at the end of the summer. We gifted a few of our friends with Ice Cream Sundae Happy Mail! Each box we made contained a little bit of everything you need to make your very own ice cream sundaes. It was the perfect end of summer/back to school gift! And of course my four little ones received their very own box too, it’s so much fun mailing a gift to yourself, isn’t it!
We spent one afternoon before school started finding the perfect items for our ice cream sundae happy mail boxes, it was too much fun! Team work always gets the job done! What we decided on was: Mini marshmallow (the crunchy, tiny kind found in hot chocolate!), Mini M&Ms, Mini Chocolate Chips, and Sprinkles!! We also included a container of Magic Shell in each box because it’s just too fun, like a science experiment. How does that even work? You have to try it at least once in your life, right! And of course we added in some sweet little wooden spoons!
I placed all the sundae add-ins in small glassine bags and taped them shut with some pretty washi tape. Then we tucked each add-in inside 4 oz small ice cream containers with lids (I bought mine here.) We figured these would work nicely as ice cream sundae cups too! Win-Win!!! Then we packed everything up inside a simple photo box and added lots of fun, happy crinkle paper! Then off everything went to each intended recipient! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!!
Hope this inspires you to send some happy in the mail!
Thanks for stopping by today!