Today I have a great giveaway for you from the lovely people over at Klutz books! I received a copy of this book a few weeks ago and I have to say it is really such a great craft book for kids. My kids spent a good chunk of time playing and creating little Pom Pom monsters of their very own which is always nice for momma! Since I have a pretty large stash of yarn they have been able to continue creating well after the yarn that came with the book was gone too 🙂
Want a peek inside! You got it…
Here’s a little about the book from Klutz:
Arts, Crafts & Laughs! KLUTZ books are the Perfect Holiday Gift for Any Child!
With Pom-Pom Monster Salon, anyone can make pom-poms and turn them into stylish monsters. Use our exclusive pom-pom maker and follow our cutting and styling instructions to create perfectly coifed mop tops, afros, pigtails, and mohawks to name a few. Add tiny hair bows, punch-out feet, and foam horns and teeth for the final touches.
Want to win this book for that crafty, creative child in your life?
Klutz is offering up TWO Pom Pom Monster Salon books to TWO of you!!
To enter:
1. Tell me who you’d give this book to if you won!
That’s it, easy peasy and just in time for Christmas!!
Giveaway ends Saturday, December 3 at 8 am!!
Good Luck!
Each book is $16.99
Giveaway open to US mailing addresses only.
Sample and Prizes courtesy of Klutz
Get 20% off your entire order – shop and use coupon code KLUTZ4U
Promo cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer expires 12/31/2011
And if you’d like, download this image:
Adorable book, I would give it to my kids!
I’d give this to my niece!
I would give this book to my very creative 7 year old niece!!! She loves arts and crafts!
Oh how we love a good Klutz book! My daughter loves all things crafty and she would love this book as a Christmas present. I can just see her creating furry little monsters with her friends. Maybe she will even make one for her little brother?
I’d give this to a a girl I babysit for. She loves getting creative and making little crafts!
i would give this to my daughter- how cute
tcogbill at live dot com
I would give this to my niece….she is 8 and she loves arts and crafts and anything she can create with!
Great book – perfect for my daughter-in-law who happens to be the mother of my three little grandsons – they would love this.
I would give it to my daughter for Christmas! SHe would love it!
I’d wrap this one up for my daughter for Christmas! She’s got a bit of her momma in her and is big on crafting lately (anything with glue, scissors or embroidery floss!) she’d love it!
This would definitely be a Christmas gift for my kids. They love my yarn stash!
I would give it to my niece
It would be a gift for my 8 year old niece. She would love it!
Just as i was seeing it , my daughter asked ” Mom ,can you get this for me?? plss…. ” I would give it to my daughters .
I’d give it to my six year old daughter.
lmwood @ frontiernet DOT net
If I was lucky enough to win, I would give it to my daughters.
My daughter asked for this EXACT book at her book fair last week. I said no, sight unseen, because I thought it was all about those pom poms you buy at the craft store, not the ones you make! I would give it to her for Christmas if I won!
My daughter would flip for this. Her half birthday is in Jan and this would be a terrific surprise.
I would absolutely give this to my daughter. She loves arts and crafts – her favorite sayings is… “Can we do a project?” This would be great for the holiday vacation!
I would give this to my daughter- she loves crafts!
danav27 at gmail dot com
I would give this to my 7 year old daughter. Oh the mess she would make with this. But oh we would have so much fun.
I would give this to my daughter so she could share it with her cousin and have an arts and crafts day! Both of them love to do crafts:)
I would give it to my sweet granddaughter because I live in florida and she lives in wisconsin and I don’t ever get a chance to spend any time with her any more and I want her to remember me.
There are two crafty little girls in Denver that will one day be my granddaughters who would have so much fun with this book!
I would ever save it for my girls or give it to my sister in law.
My niece would love this. What a cute book!
This would go to my nieces! They are super crafty little girls. Thanks!
I would give it to my daughter:) She’s 8 and she loves these books, and I have never seen this one!
Looks like a ton of fun! My daughter would have a blast with this!
Hard choice between my Sister-in-Law (she’s 9) and my daughter (who is 3 so it may be a little too much for her).
I LOVE Klutz books! We’ve gone through about a dozen over the years. This one would go to my daughter, who is almost 6 and she calls herself an “artist.” She is impressively creative and thoughtful with what she creates.
I would use to to do crafts with my daughter. She would love it!
Hi! First I would like to start by saying I L-O-V-E your site!! (not sucking up to win just sayin!!) As far as the Klutz book I would give it to my daughter! She loves everything crafty and we would have a great time doing this together! thanks again for the wonderful posts, info and giveaways! 🙂
My son: he’s in love with monsters these days.
I’d use it as a prize for our elementary school’s Literature Night next spring… Cindy H
I would give this to my oldest son. He has started to show interest in crochet and I let him help me make pom poms for hats so this would be perfect for him. He would love making pom pom monsters!
I have 2 daughters and 4 nieces. That being said, I think my husband and I should make all the monsters! 😉
My daughter would love this! She always has some craft idea for me to try and make possible. This would be one great idea with all of the makings to go with it!
I would give this to my niece. She loves crafting!
My daughter would LOVE this. We are actually having a hard time picking out stuff for her for Christmas. She’s 5 and would be happy if all she got were a bunch of art supplies!
so fun! my little girl would just love this! 🙂
I’d give it to my daughters – super cute! meltay at
This looks so fun. I would give it to my daughters.
My little girl is to young for this book, and I don’t think it would interest my boys, but we are super involved at the hospital. So I would give it to one of the many little girls who are having open heart surgery and are there to recover.
My 8 yr old daughter would be delighted! What a fun craft to do together during the winter break!!
This looks great. I would give it to my niece, she’s very crafty.
My 10 yr old would love this!
My niece would love this
I would give one of the books to my daughter, who has a little girl, and could create fun things for her until she is older. Would use all the ideas and then donate mine to my d-i-l who homeschools. So, we would all win in the end. Merry Christmas and thanks for a great give-away.
I would love to be able to give this (with a huge bag of yarn) to my youngest niece. She is in 1st grade and is the youngest of 6. She loves this kind of creative play, but my siter-in-law have never seemed to embrace this kind of play. I love these Klutz books and bought so many of them for our kids years ago. You and I have alot in common. My kids are now 20(boy), 18(girl), and 16(boy). I have so many happy memories of time spent with them. I really enjoy your site. Thanks
I work as a youth service coordinator at a public library. I give away 4 prizes each month as an incentive for kids to check out books. I would use this book as one of my 4 monthly prizes. Thank you!
My kiddos! I’m the director of a before and after daycare center and extended pre-school program at one of my local elementary schools, which is through my county’s Recreation and Parks. I have 18 kids from age 4 to 8 and they all love to do art projects. This book would be great for my oldest 3 who could tackle something a bit more complicated.
I would give this to my five year old daughter, Regan. She aspires to be a cupcake maker and a Project Runway contestant!!! She would love to practice hairdos on the pompom “models”!;)
I would love to win this for my daughter.
My boys would LOVE this!!!
I’d give this book to my son.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I’d give this book to my Cousin who has 4 kids I am always buying yarn and knitting and crocheting stuff for. They would love this!
I think my 5yo would love to do this with me!
lynnpagel at yahoo dot com
My 8 year old daughter! She’d sit down and make these with her neighbor friend!
I would give it to my 6 yr old daughter
I would give it to my grandchildren.
I would give this to my niece.
I would donate it to a Christmas toy drive if I won.
My 10 yo Daughter would be occupied for days with this book! And maybe, just maybe, she’s stop begging her 8 yo Brother to have tea parties with her and her furry friends!
I would give it to my niece who would love this!
I would give this to my 13 year old lovely, crafty daughter! 🙂
My almost 7 -year-old would love this. What a perfect use for all the yarn bits we have floating around our house!
I would give this book to my daughter! Thanks!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
I think my two little girls would love playing with this. They’re only 2 and 3 1/2, but they would love to “help” make them and then play with the little monsters (with supervision, of course).
You’re awesome!
I would give this to my girls. They love crafting and would have fun making these fun monsters. Thanks for the opportunity to win this Klutz book!
Would definitely give this to my nephew, Brad. He’s 8, and would love to try his hand at these crafts!
My nieces would love this book!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I would give this to my daughter!!!!!! she has loved to do artsy/crafting things since she was little. She is now learning how to knit well you get the picture:)
karen b
it kept telling me email address was errored so will leave it here
karen b
My 7 and 10 year olds would LOVE this book. Fabulous giveaway.
My daughter would love this. She watches me do a lot of crafting so it’s since to have things to involve her in.
My niece would get this. She’d love it so much.
I would give it to my niece and girls. They would have a ball (no pun intended, heehee). We have several klutz books and can’t get enough! They LOVE doing all these artsy things. Thank you so much for the giveaway!