Last week my little guy, Noah, turned a whole 7 years old!
So essentially that means that we have been parents for 7 years now…what the whaaaat? I swear I was just in labor with this kid. Not that I will ever forget the labor and deliveries of any of my children (at least I hope I don’t!) but this little dude’s seems the most memorable just because it was my first birthing experience.
From the first contraction until he was in my arms was all of 3 hours. 3 hours and two pushes and he was out a minute before midnight. I guess he reeeeally wanted his birth date!
7 is a pretty cool age so far. We love the young man you are becoming. You are an amazing reader, you can literally pick up any book and read it with ease…this amazes me still because, hello, how did you even learn to read? Every night you read a chapter from your Bible, I think it is so awesome and totally something you want to do on your own. Your goal is to finish the whole book. You love school and you are really good at math too. You are a rule follower…unless you are at home, haha. You love trying new sports and you love being active and outside. You love to draw and write and you already wrote and illustrated your very first book called, The Lonely Cheese. We will keep it forever!
You are a great big brother. All of your siblings look up to you and will do whatever crazy idea you come up with. They adore you through and through. Oliver, even though he is only 17 months old, will try his hand at wrestling you any time he sees you laying on the floor. It is soooo cute. And you are always so gentle with him.
You are exactly how God wanted you to be. We love you so much and are glad he placed you in our care. I hope this year is your best yet. We will love you forever, Noah Bear!!!
I loved this post! He is one special guy!
Thank you, Jill! He sure is!!!