So my little Noah just loves monkeys. He has a Curious George stuffed monkey that he received from his Aunt Annie when he was about a year old. He loves this George so much so that he takes him everywhere. In the car, in the bed, outside as a sidekick to his down-the-slide-backwards antics, he even has Penny hold onto George when she is getting a ride in the wagon and he is pedaling his tricycle because even if he may need both hands to steer George shouldn’t be left out of all the fun to be had. We even found him a smaller George monkey that he calls ‘Baby George’, named after Penelope since all things miniature are babies in their own right. Well, ever since Penelope was born, Noah has loved helping take care of her. He loves to mimic what we do as I am sure I have mentioned before. He loves to diaper George and get him dressed for the day (or the night in pj’s). So, with my new favorite thing these days, my sewing machine, I took to designing George some little cloth diapers like the cute little ones you see for all the girl dollies at Toys ‘R Us but much more manly. Now, George can wear the most fashionable in the stuffed monkey world of cloth diapers and be just like Noah and Penelope. He finally has some diapers that fit him ‘just right’. Hooray for cloth diapers, Hooray for George!
But how do you make them since they are under tutorials? lol
Hi Mary Jo!
A tutorial is coming soon!!!