OK, so I realize this is a day late…oopsy! I was just having such a great day yesterday enjoying my family, I am so blessed to have them in my life. I hope you had a wonderful day/weekend too celebrating your mom, being a mom, being an expectant mom…you know, just celebrating life!
I woke up to this yesterday:
My hubby really knows the way to my heart…FOOD!
He was sweet enough to leave me upstairs to sleep-in while he and the kiddies made me breakfast in bed but to be honest I woke up about a half hour before they ran into our bedroom yelling “Happy Mother’s Day!!” cause I heard the fire alarm going off. No worries, just a little burnt bacon smoking up the kitchen. The hubs tries so hard but is just not a savvy kitchen man 🙂 I love him so much for always trying though!
Then, later in the morning I was serenaded by this:

Nothing is sweeter than music made by little hands!
We enjoyed a great day just being (with a trip to the zoo for these smiling faces):

Kids really do find the joy in the smallest things in life!
Does anyone else out there NOT love little itty bitty stickers?
So, back to the search and rescue mission I go. Yup, that’s right, searching all their clothes for stickers and rescuing the rest of my laundry from a disaster waiting to happen!!

That is just too much sweetness! What a lucky Mommabear…and kidlets!
Hello and Happy Mother’s day. I am a new follower, your banana bread inthe crock pot sucked me in! Anyways I thought I would share that I have used hair spray to help remove sticker goo from laundry. Good luck!