Our Thursday art class has ended…boo hoo! So here is a project from a previous art class that I just never posted. Not sure why, I guess I was having mommy brain or something! In this class, we made slime and it was soooo much fun! This type of slime is incredibly fun to mess around with because it acts as a liquid if you play with it slowly like by dripping it off a spoon or from between your fingers and then it acts as a solid if you hit it hard with a spoon or your fist. SO COOL! It’s a great science project for all you science nerds like me! Here is how we did it:
2 cups cornstarch
1 cup water
food coloring if you desire (we added yellow food coloring here…if you do add it, add it to the water before you mix it all together)
This is so simple! Mix the cornstarch and water together until it is pretty hard to mix. Ours felt a bit rock like. You will have the urge to add more water but DON’T DO IT! Try to hit it with the spoon and if it feels like a rock you made this crazy slime. If you try to spoon some of it up and drip it it should be liquid-like. Yay cool….science IS fun…do you believe me NOW!
The ingredients…cornstarch and water
Hit the slime with a spoon really hard and it becomes rock-like. I know you can’t really tell from the picture…but it’s waaaay cool!
Drip the slime from your hands and it’s a liquid…COOL
This is a video so you can see how truly neat this stuff really is…enjoy my hand model, can you guess who it is? Yuppers, Clif again!! He is a great hand model isn’t he? We may need to insure those babies!
And,my little Peanut just wanted to say “Bye Bye”. Isn’t she a doll…she’s going to be ONE in less than a week, I still can’t believe it!
this is such fun stuff. we make this every year at church for our harvest happening celebration (:
it’s fun to put lots of marbles in it and have the kids find them!