So, yesterday Noah started Preschool…okay, so it was just Summer Camp at his Preschool this fall but nonetheless it was 2 whole hours away from momma and little sister and 2 whole hours by himself, listening to two teachers and hanging out with kids he’d never met before. We had been talking it up for a couple of months now and yesterday was the BIG day. It went well, *sigh of relief*
Ok, so it didn’t start off so well…he was cool up until he entered the classroom and then out of nowhere we had full out waterworks happening. Kids are so unpredictable aren’t they? Happy and smiling and telling me how he was a big boy and preschool was going to be so fun and then crying…what the whaaaat!?! All the parents had to come in for the first day and get the low down and then we got to leave, well most of us anyways. I stayed for about a half hour trying to talk up the fun-ness he was about to have but he wouldn’t buy it. Finally a teacher said to just go and she’d call if it wasn’t going to work. Uhhh, ok…so I left…major tears and shrieks of unhappy-ness followed and oh yeah, there was quite the death grip to my leg and clothes. But I left. About 45 minutes later I got the call. A GOOD call. A call where the teacher happily told me he was fine, he calmed down, he was at that moment playing with the other kids and was doing well. YAY!!! That was hard.
When I went to pick him up he was all smiles. Telling me he didn’t want to go home and that he wanted to stay at Preschool all day. Really? Kids are so unpredictable. Gotta love ’em.
Before his BIG first day of school (camp) yesterday I made him one of his most favorite breakfasts, chocolate chip pancakes, you know, trying to butter him up for all the fun-ness that is Preschool Summer Camp.
I used a gluten-free pancake mix cause if I’m going to do a mix it might as well be gluten-free, right? It’s one of our favorites around here and I thought I’d share it with you in case you are wondering if it’s good…and worth the price, since it’s a bit more expensive than regular pancake mix. It’s Pamela’s brand and looks like this:
The chocolate chips we use are from Enjoy Life, they are dairy, soy and gluten-free and look like this:

They are really good, really. They taste just like regular chocolate chips, pinky swear. I love the fact that they are mini chips too cause that way I use a lot less to get the same chocolate-y taste. YAY for that!!

Yum, a giant stack of First-Day-of-Preschool Chocolate Chip Pancakes!
And who could forget the syrup? Not us!!
Congrats on finally getting him off to school. I think we’ve all been there before. One of my boys screamed and yelled for swimming lessons (it was so embarassing) and I wasn’t even leaving the pool. Maybe I should have offered him chocolate chip pancakes first? Thanks for another great idea.
Does Noah have food allergies? I babysit a new little one, whose parents recently found out she’s allergic to dairy AND soy, among other things. Enjoy Life products are free of both AND available in Canada!
Do you have any other tips on good products? Thanks!
heehee this reminds of my sons first day at preschool (hes 4 and a half now). nope he didnt cry on the way or whilst there – yup he cried on the way out: “noooo i want to stay and plaaaayyyyy”!!!!
my gosh Noah looks so so so much like you maggie, so cute.
our family likes pancakes on sunday morning before church, but i make the flatter ones which we spread with honey or syrup, or strawberries and cream, then we roll them up and eat away.
i tend to use some wholemeal flour too and add some homemade orange flavouring which gives them a nice zing.
hugs becky
Noah doesn’t have any food allergies, none of us do (crossing my fingers) I just like to try eat that way when we can. I’ll try to get another post up of some good products soon, they really have come a long way in making allergy-free food taste good 🙂
featured your fingerprint pendants on my blog today! love them!
I imagine it would have been hard to walk away while Noah was crying like that. My daughter starts Kindy next year – I have no idea how she will react…but may just promise pancakes!!
I imagine it would have been hard to walk away while Noah was crying like that. My daughter starts Kindy next year – I have no idea how she will react…but may just promise pancakes!!
I have a 4 yr. old . I hope to get her in to pre-k when school starts . she gose to daycare so to keep here from crying when i leave her I tell her on fri. she gets a $ for letting me go all week with out crying . 2 months later it still works . I just hope it works when she goes to a big school (pre-k).