And one that just seems to keep getting bigger and bigger each week is this one…
I’m pregnant!!!
We are just super excited over here and I have been just dying to tell you all, hooray for fun news to share!
If any of you were wondering just what happened to all the craftiness on this blog over the past few months, well, it was getting flushed down the toilet numerous times a day. I’m now into the second trimester and I’m finally starting to feel like my old self again. I might get nauseous one evening a week now and I’ll spend a good two days out of the week dealing with migraines caused by hormones and blood pressure changes but to me that’s peanuts compared to feeling nauseated 23 hours a day and constantly throwing up all time.
We are so thankful to be blessed to add to our family again and we feel extra blessed to know such wonderful friends who helped out when I wasn’t feeling so good. So many friends offered to watch Noah, Penelope, and Eloise so I could rest and brought meals when the last place I felt like going was the kitchen or grocery store. Thank You Thank You Thank You from the bottom of our hearts!
So to bring you up to date on the kid count, we will have four little munchkins come summer time. All four kids less than two years apart in age. Four kids five and under. Thank goodness we bought that minivan, those carseats take up some serious space!
We are still debating finding out the sex of this little babe. We didn’t with the other three but since this juuust might be our last we may bite the bullet and try something new. How much crazy baby crafting and sewing and knitting could I do with all my second trimester energy if I knew the sex? Maybe we shouldn’t go there. Or should we? Hmmm, less than a handful of weeks to possibly finding out.
What would you do?
Congratulations! That is so exciting!
Aw! Congratulations Maggie! 🙂 Best wishes to you and your sweet family! xo Michelle
{ps… I say go for it! Find out the gender and have a blast sewing/crafting for your little one!}
What a surprise! Congratulations!!!
yay! Congrats! I always find out, and you should do what I do, because I have good taste (I have a daughter named Penelope too, and my dressform is named Eloise 🙂
Congratulations! I’m sorry you’ve had such miserable early weeks… but they’re worth it, aren’t they? 🙂
Congrats to you Maggie! That is wonderful news!
congrats, maggie! these kind of projects are my favorite! 🙂
My thought: no to finding out! You are set either way, right? So, keep the last as the first, second and third….a 10 month waiting game that you know for the rest of your life!
Congrats on your wonderful news! I am 27 weeks along with #3, so it’s nice to see another blogger out there who is going through this journey with me! Looking forward to following you through your pregnancy!!
congrats! i’m with the others who say .. if its (maybe lol) the last baby.. why not wait and let it be a surprise same as the others =) when we went for our ultrasound .. i thought i wanted to find out but with hindsight being 20/20 i’m glad now that lily played shy and didnt let the tech. see what she was.
congrats!! so exciting.
HORRAY!!! I am super envious of you belly!! You look totally fantastic!! I am 21 weeks (with #4 as well) but you would never know it!
I am super excited for you all!!!
oh… and i totally know what you are talking about with finding out the sex. We decided last minute not to… and i do wish i knew for crafting purposes, but i dont want to ruin the surprise!
I love just waiting for the surprise- it does cut down on the crafting but oh there are so few surprises in life anymore! Whatever you decide will be great for your little family!
congratulations. What a wonderful news. At our number 1 and 2 we didn’t knew the sex before birth, but with number three we did. It doesn’t add anything, but it is pretty convenient to know with shopping and crafting. And you only have to think of one name, one card and you can give away all the baby-clothes you won’t be neding.
Good Luck with your pregnancy and hoping for a healthy little summerbaby.
Congratulations! How exciting! 😀
I found out with my first (and only so far) and I really, really loved knowing ahead of time. I say do it! 😀
Congratulations! :)))))
congrats! we are going to be finding out with this one just like we did with our first. hubby doesn’t want to do gender neutral and to put everything off till you know the sex just isn’t feasible with the cost of everything.
Congratulations Maggie! If we ever go down the baby road again, I’m going to try not to find out the sex. However, if you’re tempted, have the tech print out the deciding picture and give it to your husband in an envelope. That way, you can look later if you just have to.
SO excited for you, Maggie!!
Congrats!!!! We are expecting number 5 this summer. Harness your energy while you can!
So happy and excited for you! You are such a good mama, and I can’t wait to meet the newest addition! You know that I’m all for finding out; but I’m also too much of a planner to be surprised about something like that! Can’t wait to see what you do!
Congratulations!!!! We never found out. Every time the doctor said ‘it’s a ____’ and my husband told my mom ‘meet (baby’s name)’. All of my friends found out with every baby. I was the lone rebel. They enjoyed knowing what colors to shop for; I enjoyed the surprise. Neither way is wrong.
Oh congratulations! If anyone can do four children under 5 I know that you can. So glad your morning sickness is subsiding. It can be so debilitating.
Congrats!! Find out, find out, find out!! The birth will still be just as exciting. 😀 Good luck!!
Congrats! (I’m also working on a big 2012 project, 26w now. This will be #3 & last.)
We found out with the last two (girls) & we would have at the US this time but kid is SHY. I may just be happy that we get to wait & find out later. If you craft, use bright greens, it is neutral enough & can go with pink OR blue down the line. There are some AMAZING fabrics out that are neutral & adorable.
We are just getting layette in plain whites & I’ll be happy to dye them once we know what the sex is.
Good luck for MORE diminishing of the “morning” sickness!
So excited for you guys!!!!!!
Congrats!! So excited for you and your family! (and you look awesome!) I’m so glad you’re feeling better. 🙂
Woohoo! Congrats! And yeah….find out the what you’re having…..why not!
Find out. Find out. Find out!
What wonderful friends you have! I’ve always just suffered through the morning sickness and allowed my children to watch way too much tv!
Congratulations! I have 8 weeks or so until we get to meet our little girl in person. This is our third and we have found out with all of them. I think there a fun things about finding out and about waiting. I just never could stand the wait and I like to be prepared with as little work as possible, so knowing what we were having was perfect for us. I have been crafting some fun things for our little Jules. I can’t wait for her to get here. Congrats again!!!
Congratulations!!!! You are so freakin’ cute!!! So excited for you ~ although 4 under 5… yikes! 😛 We found out with the boys, our big surprise was “It’s Twins!!” so I wanted to be extra prepared for anything else thrown our way!!
Congrats! You brave, brave, brave woman! We only ever ended up with 3 that were 3.5 and under! 4 under 5 is a challenge! They’ll all grow up really close and it will be adorable to see them put their heads together and play that way 🙂 I smile each time I see my two middles (18 mos apart) do that. I have no idea what to tell you on the “discover” question…..I had a hubby who could NOT GO without finding out what we were having – so we found out every single time! 3 girls and 1 boy! Oh boy!
Many many congratulations! You look great.
I never found out the sex of either daughter. It helped during the “big push”, it kept me going 🙂
Here’s to 24 more wks of sick-free pregnancy!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you 🙂 We’re hoping for good news this year. After two miscarriages last year, and four months of tests, procedures and surgery, I think we may be ok next time. Only time will tell…but I’m thrilled for you 🙂
Congratulations! I have been following your blog for about a year, now, but I’m not much of a commenter (on any blog). But I had to comment on this post, because it actually brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you and excited for you and your family!
It’s a tough call on whether to find out or not. We didn’t find out with either one of ours, and to me, that made the anticipation of the delivery that much sweeter. I had a feeling on the sex for both kids, and I was right both times! (Boy and girl) No matter what anyone else says, though, you will end up doing what is right for you.
I hope the rest of your pregnancy is nausea free! 🙂
CONGRATS!! Glad to hear you are starting to feel more like yourself. I hope the rest of the pregnancy is healthy for you!
Congrats and glad you are feeling better! So excited for you!!!!
Congratulations, it is such an exciting time. I am too impatient to wait so found out with both my boys. I think I will try not to if we have another one though. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better.
whoopeeee! surprised wasnt wot i had in mind! gobsmacked with a great big smile for you…am sure your babe-a-porter will be another gorgeous munchkin,,,so give yourselves another surprise….i know i will want to wait for the surprise….keep well, glad to hear you are feeling better these days. hugs to you
congrats miss maggie! David and I went with the one option! I cannot even begin to imagine 4 under the age of 5!!! Wow wow wow & wow!! You look wonderful and i am excited to follow your pregnancy on your blog. So glad that you are feeling better. My pregnancy was great and only had that hung over feeling for about 6 weeks – that was a yucky feeling – and I cannot imagine to be hanging out over the toilet for days on end! So I am so glad that you are feeling better. As for finding out – I agree with others that go for the surprise. We know so many things in this world with the click of keypad and this is the one time you have absolute surprise!! Good luck chica!!
The water must be very fertile lately! CONGRATS! to you and your family! Your pregnancy sounds alot like my first, which was a girl by the way. I found out the first one and then with the second one I decided to find out since I was so depressed I thought knowing would cheer me up, well that little muffin just crossed her legs and mooned us! So I only had a 60%-70% shot it was a girl. Sure enough she came out a girl. I stocked up on lots of neutrals and some boy things, good thing she looked good in blue Take care!
Congratulations!! I hope your nausea and migraines go away!
Yay! Congratulations!! =) We found out both times – my sisters say I cheated 😉
Congratulations!!! So excited for your family! We just had number 4 in September…he gave us quite the surprise & arrived 6 weeks early!!
Congrats again!
I didn’t find out the gender with Nicole, but I decided to with Olivia because I was bummed later when i was thinking about how I was so excited to find out what she was and then after she was born I was so tired etc that I never really had a moment to rejoice in just the ‘girl’ thing. With Olivia I found out at 30ish weeks and really enjoyed revelling in thoughts and plans! We plan to find out again. Also, we told some close family and friends with Olivia but left the gender as a surprise for most people.
Congratulations! What wonderful news! I struggled with finding out too. I didn’t for the first but I was not sure with the second so I had them write the gender on one of those little flower shop type cards and seal it in an envelope. I tucked it away for many weeks until I was sure I really did want to know then I had a little “surprise party” and opened it and celebrated. Then we only told some people and left it a surprise for everyone else! It was wonderful to do it without the pressure of the “now or never” ultra sound moment. Good Luck with your decision.
I have to find out boy or girl. We don’t know for sure about our first (my gut says girl) as she died in utero and I didn’t get a good look when she was born at 17 weeks. Our son was definitly a boy at our 18 week ultrasound!
All my side of the family is in the US and I hate gender neutral baby stuff. Especially the yellows and greens (two colors that happen to be Australia’s national colors but colors that look horrid on me)! We find out gender but we don’t tell people the names we have in mind. With Evan, no question, he was Evan Riley. (We had Joshua Riley, Jacob Riley and Caleb Riley as backups.)
My mom (their Gramma) wants to know what to buy so we tell gender. Once baby is born we decide on the name and announce it to the world.
Mom found out with my youngest brother that he was a boy. Only kid she found out before birth the gender. I can’t go that long, I have to know. 😉
Look at you! You look FANTASTIC!!! I found out the sex for all 3 of my kids, and loved every minute of knowing during the pregnancy :).
I hope you are finally starting to feel better! They had to actually put me on the medicine my vomiting was so bad this last go around.
So excited for you! 4 under 5…WOW
Haha! I just had my fourth baby (4 years old and under)! Congratulations! It’s kinda crazy and by the end of the day I sit down and go “Um, what whirlwind just happened???”, but to me has been an easier adjustment than 3 kids. Not much crafting gets done these days though unless my husband will hold baby girl for an hour. We didn’t find out gender with our first 3 boys (till birth), but decided to with our 4th baby. I’m glad we did. I had time to make fun girly things for her and if we had waited till she was born I wouldn’t have been able to work in time to make as much stuff. It’s different waiting to find out and to me, more special, BUT it’s still cool to find out while pregnant. Both ways have perks… Congrats again!
Congratulations!!!! You are going to be a super mom in my book!
Congratulations! I’m considering making this transition myself soon! I also have 3 under 5 right now and looking to add a fourth. Good luck with everything and here’s to finding time to craft again now that you are feeling better.
CONGRATS!!! This is s awesome! I was wondering why you were hiding so much lately 🙂 We have four and it is absolutely awesome! They are tons of fun…and work 🙂 good luck!!!
Congratulations!! What a wonderful surprise!
We’ve got 4, too, but our oldest was 6 when we had our youngest. We didn’t find out gender with any of ours, but to be honest, I wish I had with the last one. My boy/girl pregnancies were so different that I was convinced that my last one was a girl…but I didn’t KNOW. I was so sure of it, but then I would have some minor panic attacks about “What if it isn’t?” (They say every pregnancy is different…) I thought about finding out with #4, but I hadn’t minded not knowing with the others. In fact, I thought it had been exciting! Hindsight being what it is, I should have found out to save myself the freakouts of knowing it was a girl, but not really KNOWING…if that makes any sense. She was a girl, though, and I could’ve saved myself a lot of stress. 🙂
We didn’t find out with #1 (boy), did with #2 (boy), 3(girl) and 4 (girl) although I didn’t want to with 4, hubbyman did 🙂 IF there’s ever a #5 I want to wait until delivery to find out– I thought it was amazing the first time. Then again, every baby is amazing anyway no matter what. I just figure we have everything ready for either gender since we already have two of each, so a surprise would be fun! Congratulations! And I’m so glad you’re feeling better– the first tri is always miserable!
Maggie, congratulations! You look adorable!
Congratulations!!!! I’m pregnant too- almost 15 weeks. I can’t wait to see the things you make for the new baby 🙂
AWWWWW this is just too exciting! Yay! Congratulations! I hope we’ll get to see lots of cute pics as your belly grows and grows! BTW you look stunning, I can’t believe this is your 4th. WOW!
Congrats! I am so excited for you. We are done with three and now my baby justed turned 3 and I couldn’t help but want another one. I just love smaelling their little heads!
I have left it to surprise and found out and I will tell you not finding out was wonderful. I am figuring there are only so many surprises in life and this is one of them.
anna J
I’m all for finding out, but in case you’re not totally sure even that day you still have options. My sister in law asked the technician to write the gender on a card and put it in a sealed envelope just in case she couldn’t take the suspense. They waited almost two months with that envelope tucked away and decided to open it up on Christmas day! They’re so thrilled to know about their little girl and are having a blast prepping for her arrival. Congrats!
Meredith W.
Maggie, We’re bump buddies!!! This is great news for all if you! We must be due around the same time? My EDD is 3rd of July 🙂 hope you get much more of the 2nd trimester energy xx