That’s right, I’m spilling the beans.
I just couldn’t keep it in any longer.
I’m not good with secrets, can you tell?

So, how many of you figured it out from the picture? If you look closely at Penelope’s shirt you’ll see that it says “BIG Sister” not “LITTLE sister”.
Yup, that’s right….I’m Pregnant!
That is why I have been so very bad at posting lately…I am utterly and completely nauseated, all day and every day…what fun. I started feeling sick the week before Thanksgiving, which totally stunk because I was able to make all the food for T-day the day before but on the actual day I couldn’t eat ONE thing. Stinky! On Christmas I received a wonderful migraine due to my changing blood pressure and had that beauty for 3 days, lovely just lovely. The toilet has become my new best friend again. I can’t eat, I can’t drink. I basically wake up, go downstairs to “watch” the kidlets, lay on the couch and look like death warmed over every day. I wear my pajamas all day long, and the next day and the next day. Mostly, until I feel like I can gather the energy to take a shower which is about every four days if your wondering. I know, completely gross, but true. I have been known to take a fast shower in the past, like 5 minutes and I’m outta there. Now, I’m lucky if I can get my hands up to wash my hair in 10 minutes. Not very fun at all.
Anyhoo, I am about 10 weeks along right now. I usually don’t like to tell people until I’m out of that first trimester but I just can’t take this nausea anymore. I wanted to ask you all if you have any, and I mean ANY, ideas or helpful tips or well, just ANYTHING that could help me feel better. I’ve tried sea bands and vitamin B6 to no avail and I absolutely hate ginger…it makes me nauseated (if that’s just not perfect, right?) With Noah, I was sick until week 14, with Penny I was like this until week 20!!!!! I’m praying that it’s 12 weeks and no more with this one.
I have a funny story to tell you about me and Wal-mart but I think I’ll tell it another day, as my energy is dwindling and fast.
Oh, so that makes this little one, which we affectionately call ‘Bean III’, due July 26, 2010! Sorry, I kinda forgot that part!
Thanks for listening to me kvetch today, I really needed it.

Hi! I just found your blog. You have some great stuff here. I’ve been looking at your sewing tutorials and getting some great ideas. I have one 2 year old, and we are currently trying to conceive. As far as nausea remedies, have you tried chamomile, or spearmint tea? Those are supposed to help settle the stomach. Also, do you have a homeopath or chiroprator or acupunturist in town. I have had great experiences with both homeopath and chiropractors, and have friends that love their acupuncturist. Homeopathy is completely safe for pregnancy unlike a lot of medicines, and if you find a remedy that works, it can help a lot. Otherwise, you could look for a homeopathic remedy from your local health food store. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
awe! congrats. I ate lots and lots of saltines.
Vitamin B6, sea bands, but the only thing that worked for me is zolfran. It’s the “big gun” of nausea meds. I was losing weight so I got the good stuff :o). I was nauseous the whole 38 week w/ my first and in to my 3rd trimester w/ my second. Your baby is due on my birthday.
Congratulations!!!! Sorry, no anti-nausea tips from me. Luckily I escaped that with my pregnancies. Best wishes!!!!
Congrats on your new Bean!! My b-day is July 23! Maybe we can share a day!!
I tried the B6 lollipops from the OB, but those made my sickness worse. Someone eventually told me about peppermints and those did seem to uncurl my face for brief (and I mean brief) periods. I was sick, day and night, until about 16 weeks though. Blech. Hope yours doesn’t last that long!!
Good wishes headed your way…
I was really sick with all four of my pregnancies. Things that worked for me was eating bland stuff like potato chips, plain bread, baked potatoes, crackers, anything salty. Mints also helped. I also had a hard time keeping fluids down and I didn’t like to drink because it made me feel sick so I would get slushies or ice blocks and suck and slurp on those. When I was more hydrated i felt a whole lot better. Good luck and just remember that it doesn’t last forever and you get a cute little baby at the end,
Lot the blog by the way!
Congrats! I used a mint antacid thing. It helps with upset stomachs and I used it for nausea, reflux, and heartburn! Staying hydrated also helped.
Congrats! I am at the same place you are (Only about 2 weeks farther along!) and I am so tired of being nauseous! This has been way worse than my other too, and it’s just cruel that it coincided with the holidays!
Oh wow! Big, huge congratulations!!! Super exciting! Feel better soon!
Congratulations! I feel your pain with the nausea…no fun at all. š I have so many (now) funny stories about throwing up! I was sick the whole time with my 1st and through 16 weeks or so with my 2nd. Ginger was the most effective natural treatment for me (did you try sugared ginger?). Sucking on sour candies helped a little (lemonheads, etc). Mint and/or ginger tea. After I ended up with an IV due to vomitting so much, I took to the big guns like the PP said– anti-nausea prescription Zofran. Miracle pill! I’ve heard that there’s a new prescription now though that they recommend of people who are preggers…maybe you could check into that? Good luck and hope the nausea eases up for you!
Congrads on the pregnancy, but not on the puking! Sorry, I have no advice!!! I puke.
I love your blog. I was really sick with my pregnancies too. Not fun! The only thing that would help me was having vitamin b shots that the Dr. would give me. I would have to get them about every three days. I could at least function for a few days. Otherwise I was having to get IV’s to give me fluids. I tried everything too and nothing else worked ginger did the same to me. I can’t stand the tase or smell of the stuff to this day! Good luck!
congratz for beanIII…pregnancy is always a special time, but with kidlets around its more of a frumppy time. i was sick with both mine and used to make a mad dash for the loo as soon as i woke up…i normally like ginger, but detested it during pregnancy, so know how you feel. but we do forget them once the cute bundles make their appearance…so good luck & God bless all you 4 + bump.
also wanted to tell you that used your tute for little girls sweater dress for my 10month and she is so so so so cute in it. i also made one for my neighbours 20month and she loved it too, so thankyou for sharing.
Wow!! Thank you all so much for your great advice…I’m trying some of them now and hoping they do the trick! Unfortunately I spent NYE throwing up but I haven’t since then, knock on wood! I only wish the nausea would leave forever! I wanted to comment to everybody because I am just so grateful for all your kind words. So here goes one long comment from me š
Live Simply- I have been thinking about an acupuncturist for a while now, your comment has put me on the search for a good one in my area. I LOVE chiropractors and use one all the time, they are the best for pregnancy aches and pains as well as so much else!!!
Anna- Thanks and funny as it seems I have never tried saltines!!! I guess I thought they were so cliche! Well, I bought some and they go down nicely, especially when my stomache is all yuck!!! Thanks for that!
Dayna- You poor thing! Are you going to have any more kids? After feeling like this for the third time, I think I may be done at 3!!!!!!!
Beth- Thanks for the kind wishes š And, you are soooo lucky!!!
Mel- Thanks š I took your advice and bought peppermints too! They seem to work for brief periods of time like you said, but hey, I’ll take anything these days!!!
The Montague Family- You jogged my memory and helped me remember that cherry slushies were consumed many a time when I was pregnant with Penny, so thanks for the reminder…I think your right, if I can at least get something down drink-wise, I feel slightly better. Icy beverages go down smoother for some reason!!
Suki- Thanks š Mints…seriously who knew they could make any difference!!
Mama B- Oh congrats to you too!!! Maybe we will be in labor on the same day! I feel your pain, but misery loves company and I have to say it was nice to hear you had crappy holidays too, I was so sad that my house was hardly decorated or that for Christmas dinner my kidlets ate PB & J and just jelly sandwiches, boo hoo! Here’s to feeling better and FAST!
Rachel-Thanks for the love!
Ana- Wow! Your were sick the whole time with your first, yuck! My biggest fear is having to be in the hospital with an IV. The lemonheads sound doable, maybe the hubs will have to grab some on his next visit to the grocery! Thank you!
Michelle-Thank you!!!
Heather-I have heard of the B6 shots, it sucks that they only last a few days though!! Yeah, I feel you on the ginger…BLECH, pregnant or not!
Becky-You are so right, I always forget all these weeks of nausea and throwing up once that little munchkin is in my arms. Thank you for all your sweet words and I am so glad you have been having fun with the tutes!
Thanks again so much!! Keep the advice rolling in! In this department, I think the more advice I can get the better!!!! Love you all
What worked for me was protein shakes from GNC. I know that sounds COMPLETELY unappealing to you…as it did me…I would have hubby make them (or myself) and then take a straw and put the straw as far back in my mouth as I could possibly get it…and then not taste a thing…it worked so well, I did it EVERY day!!!!
Candy Canes and Cinnamon toast is what i lived on durring all 3 of my mine! I was so sick and those were the only things that helped:)Hope one or both of them works for you!
My doctor told me to take half a pill of some sleep medicine in the morning and it actually did help. I forget exactly which kind off the top of my head. It does make you a little sleepy, but I thought it was the lesser of two evils. -Jami
Tamara-Hmmm, I may have to give that a whirl. As gross as it sounds, it may be helpful in hydrating and getting me some nutrition, esp since I can’t always get the vitamin down! Thanks
Mom, Mommy, Mama-Yes! Peppermint candy canes rock! Not sure about the cinn toast. My kidlets eat it almost everyday and the smell is nauseating. BTW, love your profile name!!! Couldn’t be truer!
Jami- I have heard about taking some type of sleeping pill. It’s weird that it’s a remedy that I have heard works, I wonder why? Thanks for the advice!!!
Lemony stuff worked *some* for me – lemon drops and gatorade.
Ohh, Maggie…I am feeling you pain now. I have been nausead for 6 days now…it sucks. FYI I have found that prenatals with iron in it completely through me in bed with nausea for 2 days….I just switched to a multi w/o iron. Actually Metagenics without iron. It has enough folic acid which is what i am looking for, but its those damn prenatal vitamins that kill me. Lets hope thing get better for my big Costa Rica trip next week! Amy Elkins