So, I have been wanting to make a little pouch for my DSLR camera lens for a while now and this past week I finally did it! I was getting so tired of wrapping it in burp cloths and onesies in my diaper bag whenever I took it on our little family adventures we tend to do. I wanted to have something that would protect it a bit, especially keeping that lens cap from getting bumped and falling off, as well as something I could keep on my wrist or clip to my diaper bag strap for easy access. I usually just have my shorter 18-55mm lens on the my camera for stuff around the house but when we go out I like to have the option of using my longer 55-250mm lens cause that way I can capture the kidlets doing cute stuff without them knowing that I am taking their picture. What a sneak I am!
Anyways, since the weather was to be gorgeous this past weekend I knew we would be out and about doing fun fall stuff with friends. It was just the kick in the pants I needed to make myself a sweet little lens pouch.
okay, you probably won’t believe me, but I had the a similar camera lens case sketched out waiting for me to make it. (I have a prime lens that I love to bring along as an extra). Yours is great! 🙂
i had a similar problem this past friday when we went to a parade and i wanted to carry along my wide angle lens. what a great idea!
This is so fabulous!!! Thank you for sharing…I’ll be linking!
Where did you get your awesome custom tags?
Hi Maggie! I saw you over at Ucreate today. Great job on this tutorial! I need to make one for my digital camera but I’m scared of the zipper part! I’ll be following you for sure. :O)
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I have been wanting to make something just like this for the longest time but did not know how. Thank you so much for the tut! It’s a great one!
Cass- I get my tags at 🙂
This is awesome! Love the fabric you choose too. Thanks for the tute!
cute, that last pic looks like a coffee/tea cup. LOL
Perfect timing and great tutorial, thanks so much for sharing! I have a long lens and wide angle…I have been taking a separate bag for soccer games and adventures, but with 3 kids it’s a pain to have to have another bag – this would be perfect!
Adorably awesome! Would it be weird if I made one before I got that extra lens I have my eyes on! 😉
Thanks! Great Tutorial with excellent pictures.
Stopping by from UCreate.. This is adorable!
I LOVE this and I also love the boots you’re wearing in the side view pix. Would love for you to share this at A Crafty Soiree today
xoxo Malia
Ohhh, this is fab! Now all I need is the lens I want to put in it 🙂
this is a great idea!
I have included it in my Christmas Gifts To Sew round up
I’m ready to purchase my first sewing machine and am wondering which one you would recommend or which one you use and how you like it. Any advice appreciated!
Fantastic! Great tuto!
Hi Elle!! I have a Brother cs6000i and I really like it! There are lots or stitch choices and it was really easy to figure out, I just read the manual once and got to work. I never really sewed until I got this for my birthday last year if that tells you anything 🙂 It wasn’t too expensive and there were a ton of good reviews for it on Amazon ( although I ended up buying mine through Let me know if you have any other questions!! Happy sewing!
What a great tutorial. I love the addition of the straps. I have three lenses and can never decide which one/s to take with me…
I love it! I’m going to Disney soon, and was looking for a tutorial for a bag to make for my lenses so I don’t have to carry my whole camera bag- I love that this is like a little wristlet, and you WIN for using Amy Butler fabric!
This is the best. I just took my zoom lens with me on a boat trip and was worried about my fixed lens the whole time in my bag. I’m working on one of these for all my scrapping/photographer girlfriends! Love it. Thanks so much for a great tutorial. Just put 2 out 3 to bed (mine are all under 4 1/2!) and am going to start pinning.