If your little ones are anything like mine, they don’t jump up and down begging to practice school work during the summer. It just isn’t in their DNA. So to keep them learning over the summer months I need to get creative. Since we always have water balloons and squirt guns on hand in the summer I came up with fun way for them to practice their vowels and a few power words too!
This is a super easy game to put together. Just blow up some water balloons minus the water (my littles even did this step for me!) and write letters on them. I chose vowels but it could be any letters really, depending on what you want them to practice.
Then I grabbed some scrap paper and wrote out a few power words (and a few other random words too) that started with each vowel.
I flipped all the papers face down and let my littles pick one at a time. They needed to match the power word to the correct vowel balloon practicing reading and letter recognition (bonus points for saying the word in a sentence!) and when they did they got to squirt that balloon with a squirt gun…and eventually each other. It was the perfect activity for a hot summer day! Totally our kind of fun!!
Thanks for stopping by today!
Great active component mixed into this one 🙂