I’ve been meaning to post my latest dress but I have been debating whether or not I should change it up. Here’s what I mean:
I found this great black and white flowery fabric and thought it would be perfect to make a long sundress using the shirred dress idea again but this time with no straps so it could be something to wear out to a romantic dinner with the hubby and no kids kinda thing. Now, since I am a shortie at only 5’2″, I was able to use the full length of the fabric and have it just at where I thought would be the perfect length. What I also did when I made this dress is extend the shirring to well past my bustline with about 16 rows of shirring at 1/2 inches apart. Herein lies my dilemma…by extending the shirring past the bustline the fabric poofed out quite a bit around the mid-section. So, I have been tempted all weekend to rip out the seam in the back and slim it down somehow or then I thought maybe my long summer-y dress (and yes, I am very aware that summer is at it’s end, thank you very much fall-like weather that seems like it is here to stay!!!!) would look much cuter if it was an above knee-length and therefore more of a short and poofy type dress. To cut or not to cut….that is the question?!

So, as you can see… I cut!! And I love the results! It kind of reminds me of a cute little “Charlotte” dress from Sex and the City (Love that show!) And now I think there are just so many possibilities that opened up for accessorizing it. I mean, check this out:

It looks so funky with a belt worn right at the very smallest part of your waist (the only place a big belt like this should be worn!!) and it would also look so cool with a little half-shrug that you tie in the front. I actually think I may wear it that way to a women’s business luncheon I have to go to on Tuesday! How cute (and yet business-like) will that be!!!???
I adore it. Super cute!!
Oh I love this. LOVE. IT. I REALLY LOVE IT!! Amazing job!!