Oh, and guess what? Last week it was our turn to bring snacks for Penny’s soccer team and we totally forgot. Yup, that was us. Somehow it was NOT on the calendar we live and breathe by so we showed up to the game empty-handed. Soooooo. Totally not supermom over here, in case you were thinking otherwise. 😉
Lunch 1: Blueberries with a mini elephant fork, cheese and crackers and almond butter and jelly sandwiches.
Lunch 2: Blueberries with a little bear fork, baby carrots and ranch dressing, cheese and crackers, and Tetris-shaped jelly sandwiches.
Lunch 3: Star Wars theme! Light saber-skewered grapes, puppy chow made with almond butter, raspberries with leaf picks, baby carrots, storm trooper ham sandwiches, and storm trooper cheese slices.
Lunch 4: Clementines segments, raspberries and blueberries, Tetris-shaped ham sandwiches, organic animal crackers.
Lunch 5: Raspberries and blueberries, bunny and bear shaped hard-boiled eggs, baby carrots, cat-shaped cheese slices, crackers, clementines, and organic animal crackers.
These are some great ideas. I feel so bad because my son always brings”boring” lunches, lol. I’ll have to get more creative from now on.
How did you make the face on storm trooper sandwiches?