Sooooo, I have been meaning to post some pics of my Halloween/Fall decorations that we put out on our front porch…or stoop…or walk…or, geez I don’t know, whatever you call the area by your front door. Anyhoo, so you all know we bought some pumpkins a couple of weekends ago, right!? Back when the weather was semi-nice not freeeezing like it is now…do I sound like I’m whining? So sorry about that, well, not really…I HATE the cold! Why do I live in Illinois, I really don’t know myself…anyways, I digress. Well, I like to buy the little mini ones, pie pumpkins is what I think they are called by pumpkin connoiseurs, cause I like to have a mini Noah and mini Penny pumpkin for each of the kidlets that we can carve in their likeness…to a degree…well, usually just by the number of teeth in their mouth…the front ones anyways. So, again…digressing, I know, I know…I bought a few more cause I really wanted to do some of those neat-o looking pumpkins Martha did on her October cover but I’m sad to say it just wasn’t in the cards. You see, I was doing some shopping at Wal-mart and somehow wandered into the Halloween aisles (that’s what I tell my husband anyways when my 30 minute quickie shopping trip ends up being waaaay over an hour!) Well, I come to find the neatest pumpkin accessories yet to be known to man…Mr. Potato Head plastic sticky-in parts just for pumpkins…so cool! I just had to buy a container of them for the kidlets since they love animals, and what a great way to practice animal names, body parts and sounds (woot, woot for buying something with an educational purpose!) So, Martha was out (I can’t believe I just wrote that!!!) and Mr. Pumpkin Head was in…here’s what they look like:
Halloween Decor-ating
Doggie, Kitty, Piggy and Doggy II, as affectionately named by Noah!
What I truly love is the little piggy, he came with a little curly tail, see:
Freakin’ cute!
**Side note** I just saw today that they also have similar kits at Target…so go snatch one up for your littles!
I also bought these crazy looking gourds and thought they made the perfect momma and baby swans…just add ribbon and “poof” they are now a little nuzzling family!
Too sweet!…I drew some eyes on them too, don’t know if you can really see them though.
Here is the pumpkin Hubby and Noah carved…oooh, scary!
And lastly, I used my super crafty-craftiness and made this lovely Fall-themed wreath. I found the how-to for this at The Nesting Place. Have you checked out this blog before? It’s so full of great ideas for decorating and The Nester just cracks me up. Go check her out for a good guffaw!
Bea-u-ti-ful! And it only set me back 15 smackeroos…with leftovers for other fun Fall projects. Smackeroos…that’s definitely a word I have a love/hate relationship with…sometimes it’s just so fitting though…and fun to say…smackeroos! Say it with me, come on now, isn’t it fun!
Ok, night-night for now!
I TOTALLY love that pumpkin hubby! What an awesome face!!!!!
Thanks for dropping by my place today!
Those swan gourds rock! Love that idea!
I love your website – nice design and contact paper use is super! Thanks, grandma of four