Ok, we’re rolling in to the final month for the One Small Change Challenge that Hip Mountain Mama is hosting. If you’re new to the blog just click here to find out more!
Last month I posted about knitting myself up some Swiffer Sweeper Covers. And let me tell you, they were super duper easy to make!! An hour, maybe two tops if you are watching bad tv, is all it takes to rock one out. I have had some of you asking me to post about how they work and I’m here to say that they are grrr-eat! They swiff up just as nicely as the real thing 🙂 I haven’t had any major issues from them yet…and at less than $2 a pop and only an hour’s time, I say it’s a project worth making.
So, for this month my One Small Change is to get rid of some of the plastic storage containers in our house. I found these really neat-o stainless steel containers called Tiffins all around the web but found my particular ones at World Market (I know I have professed my love of this store to you already but if you don’t remember, see this post) A tiffin looks like so:
It’s a really compact, portable stainless steel container with two compartments for your food, especially good for toting around soups or other non-dry foods (hummus or leftover dinners, anyone?) It looks like this when all opened up:
It’s super easy to use and to wash too! At World Market it was only $10, so it was pretty reasonable in my eyes. The uses for these are endless…the hubs can bring lunch to work in them, picnics at the park, and adventures at the zoo…oh, the possibilities now that the temperatures are rising 🙂
Alrighty, that’s all folks! Just wanted to share this month’s challenge love.
Have a great weekend and a lovely Easter 🙂 My parents are coming in tomorrow and we are all just a wee bit excited over here!! I’m still debating my final Easter Dinner menu…any last minute ideas from ya’ll?

Happy Easter! I’ve given you the sunshine award: http://delicious-ambiguity-nennyk.blogspot.com/2010/04/my-first-award.html
I have a tiffin from World Market also, and I love it! It’s great to take to restaurants for taking leftovers home.
We rid our kitchen of all plastic two years ago this month. And I have never been happier.
We use fabric bags instead of ziploc (lots of people make them on Etsy but I really love Happy Sacks), we recycle glass jars instead of tupperwear and we have lots of little tins from Kids Konserve for lunches. I bought a set of cheap silverwear to send in with lunches so I don’t care if one happens to never make it home. And of course we have our well-loved metal water bottles. And we now fill a glass pitcher with water instead of our olf plastic filtering one.
Good luck with your challange. I think you will be amazedhow easy it is to live with.
Oh my, bringing it to a restaurant for leftovers is such a great idea…totally using that one, thanks!!!
Yeah, I am looking forward to ridding our kitchen of plastics, it’s been on my to do list for a while now. Yippee for Change!!!
I love this! I had never saw one before and I LOVE picnics. Guess what?! After seeing this blog the other day, I was at target and totally noticed…a TIFFIN! I found it on their sight after searching “tiffin” to show you, but the link was crazy long to post. Check it out though. It is a little big (4 compartments). But they have them in warm and cool tones. 🙂 Also, have you heard of laptop lunchables? I bought one a couple years ago for my then 3 year old. Now I use it all the time for trips and outings and such.
Thanks for introducing me to “tiffins” 😉
I just saw those today at Target!! They are super cute…and big too!! Thanks for letting me know about them 🙂 I have contemplated the laptop lunchables too, thanks for your good review, it’s nice to hear others who like theirs!!
i have always made bunny bread. The kids take a Bridgeford Bread Rolls ( frozen ), cut in half. One half is the face . The other cut into two pieces for the ears. Place the ball on the cookie sheet, then place the ears on, and put two cranberries in the face for little red rabbit eyes. The kids like making these and seeing them bake. You could use any type of bread dough I would think… Try it!! You will have fun with the kids making them.
Happy Easter!
Boy do i feel dumb..duh…this is 2011…you already had the baby didnt you? hahaha…so sorry
I was given a set of these (http://www.shopnaturally.com.au/lock-lock-bpa-free-4-piece-rectangular-lunch-snack-box-set-red.html) as a bridal shower gift and I FREAKIN LOVE THEM! I zap food on plates or bowls, or heat it on the stove. I don’t microwave in these but they’re fantastic for leftovers and freezer storage! I’ve been married now for 4 years and they’ve held up beautifully! And I’m slowly adding more pieces to my collection and tossing out all those cheapies I have. (I love these more than *shock* tupperware!)