So I thought today would be a good day to share the room that my two little girlies, Penelope and Eloise, share together (cue the ‘awww!’ I love the fact that my little pair of sisters get to share a room, I totally shared a room with my sisters…well one of them and we have the best memories to laugh over because of it!)
Up until this summer this used to be Noah’s room and it was a crazy bright green color, not sure how or why we decided on that, but after we moved him into what used to be the guest bedroom this summer (remember his room makeover in this post here) I was more than excited to change up the color and make this room over into something more suited to my girlies. 🙂
Since this room has a chair rail all the way around it, I needed to figure out two colors. Can I tell you how hard that is? I love that chair rail but than at the same time I hate it cause it’s hard enough picking one color let alone two! Penelope loves the color purple so I decided on Sherwin Williams 6555 Enchant on the bottom half of the wall since it is a very light purple color and not too intense/crazy dark. On top I went with Sherwin Williams 6553 Heavenly White as it was in the same paint “family” as the lavender and was close to white but not white-white so the chair rail could stand out a little bit, if you get what I’m going for here 😉
You might remember this little table and chairs set from Ikea that I made-over in this post here. I still love it and think it looks so sweet in the girls’ room!
Since the top half of the walls in their room are pretty neutral in color and well, fairly close to white, I wanted something bright and eye-catching on the long wall above where the table and chairs sit. I love the look of a gallery of frames but didn’t necessarily want to do photographs in them. So I came up with this. I bought some of these frames at Hobby Lobby when they were 40% off (they were plain white when I bought them) and then I thrifted the rest. All of them got a couple spray paint coats of Rustoleum Gloss in Sun Yellow because, Hello! what says eye-catching and happy more than that color!
I bought a two metal letters, “P” and “E” for Penelope and Eloise’s names at Hobby Lobby as well (woot for 40% off coupons). I really like the simplicity of just an initial for each girl versus their whole name, I think it works really nicely in the frames too and makes it easily interchangeable for the future.
I found this huge frame, I think it measures 30×24″, at a garage sale for a dollar, really, a dollar! I screwed some wire to the backside so they could hang artwork in it. They think it’s so fun to showcase their latest drawings and love to change it up!
The wall across from the frame gallery has two big windows and their shared dresser. I made the valance/cornice boxes (tutorial here!) using a really pretty black and white damask fabric print as I thought that gave some nice color to the top half of the wall here without being too busy. I figured my color palette to be lilac, black, white, and bright yellow. I might try to throw in some coral or aqua later on with little knick knack type things but for now I’m pretty happy with the look.
Then next to that wall are their bunk beds. Mr. Smashed Peas built this beauty with his own two hands, for reals. He’s so handy like that! He custom-built them from scratch over the course of four weekends a couple years ago. Bunk beds and little kids kinda scare me so he made it really super duper safe. The top bunk is enclosed with a pretty high wall so no one can fall out unless they are practically standing up, well for a kid, plus it is lower to the ceiling than most traditional bunk beds are (don’t you always worry you are going to wake up and hit your head on the ceiling when you sleep in a bunk bed?) The bottom bunk sits right on the floor and is just framed out. We chose to do that because at first Penelope (and now Eloise) started sleeping in it at the age of two. This way we didn’t need to deal with a bed rail cause if they did roll out the floor was only a few inches downward!
Here is another view of Eloise’s bunk.
The ladder to the top bunk.
And the view from the end of the Penny’s bed in the top bunk.
Next to the bunk beds is a little bookcase where they keep their “jewelry”, hair accessories, art supplies, etc. Funny story, that little flower up top is from this summer. Eloise just loved to pull out all my flowers as soon as they bloomed. She was so proud to be picking me a gift. This particular flower she pulled out roots and all. So I placed it in a glass of water and it has been living ever since, crazy eh?
Penny loves her miniature My Little Pony collection, lol.
I found some neat old books at a garage sale this summer and thought they would look cute in the girls’ room. I think they will be fun to read this winter before bed time, what do you think? I’ve never actually read Alice in Wonderland.
And the last of the four walls is just closet space, nothing fancy. It’s full of clothes…toys…dollies…you know, kid stuff. This is a good day, trust me most days everything in that closet is pulled out and on the floor. We are just like everyone else, my kids love to make messes too!
Hope you liked the room tour! If you have any questions leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by today!
Love the huge frame they can put their artwork in! You did a great job and the pops of yellow are so fun!
Thank Wendy! This room was a fun one to put together! 🙂
Soo pretty. I love the simple and clean look! The frames with art are so clever!
Thank you Vic! I am trying hard to keep this room simple!!!! (That’s hard to do!)
Love it!!!
Thanks Jenny! 🙂
So cute!
Thank you, Carmen! 🙂
Great job!
Thanks Jenn! 🙂
So pretty! I painted my room purple in High School when I finally got it to myself! I shared a room- and a bed!- up to that point. It was the same scheme as you have here- white, purple, and yellow! That bunk bed is genius; I am petrified of heights, so that bottom bunk would be mine in a heartbeat:)
That is awesome, Melanie! Great minds think alike! I’m with you too, not a big fan of being on the top bunk…there is something about an easy escape that I like! 🙂
I LOVE it! I can’t wait to see how you did the valance/ cornice boxes. I’m thinking of doing them in our playroom.
Thank you, Kristina! Those valances are sooo easy, you will die from excitement at how quickly you can have them done and up above the window!!!
What a sweet room… I love the colors, and that bunk bed is amazing!
I painted my daughters room a similar color I think. I like the black with it too, we had leftover decorations from her big brothers wedding in mariner blue and fuchsia that I decided to repurpose. I think you are using the same target bedspreads too. The big chest is beautiful. I would love to have a piece like that.
Wow! Amazing bunk beds! Love the purple and the closets.
When I saw that bed I gasped. SO cool looking and original. I am so impressed that your husband made that! Great room…great job! 🙂